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§ 115D-12. Each institution to have board of <br /> trustees; selection of trustees. <br /> (a) Each community college established or operated pursuant to <br />this Chapter shall be governed by a board of trustees consisting of <br />13 members, or of additional members if selected according to the <br />special procedure prescribed by the third paragraph of this subsec- <br />tion, who shall be selected by the following agencies. <br /> Group One -- four trustees, elected by the board of education of <br />the public school administrative unit located in the administrative <br />area of the institution. If there are two or more public school admin- <br />istrative units, whether city or county units, or both, located within <br />the administrative area, the trustees shall be elected jointly by all <br />of the boards of education of those units, each board having one vote <br />in the election of each trustee, except as provided in G.S. 115D-59. <br />No board of education shall elect any person employed by the board <br />of education to serve as a trustee, however, any such person cur- <br />rently serving on a board of trnstees shall be permitted to fulfill the <br />unexpired portion of the trustee's current <br /> Croup Two -- four trustees, elected by the board of commis- <br />sioners of the county in which the institution is located. Provided, <br />however, if the administrative area of the institution is composed of <br />two or more counties, the trustees shall be elected jointly by the <br />boards of commissioners of alt those counties, each board having <br />one vote in the election of each trustee. Provided, also, the county <br />commissioners of the county in which the community college has <br />established a satellite campus may elect an additional two mem- <br />bers if the board of trustees of the community college agrees. <br />Should the boards of education or the boards of commissioners in- <br />volved be unable to agree on one or more trustees the senior resi- <br />dent superior court judge in the superior court district or set of <br />districts as defined in G.S. 7A-41.1 where the institution is located <br />shall fill the position or positions by appointment. <br />Group Three -- four trustees, appointed by the Governor. <br />Group Four -- the president of the student government or the <br />chairman of the executive board of the student body of each commu- <br />nity college established pursuant to G.S. 115D shall be an ex officio <br />nonvoting member of the board of trustees of each said institution. <br /> (b~ All trustees shall be residents of the administrative area of <br />the institution for which they are selected or of counties contiguous <br />thereto with the exception of members provided for in G.S. <br />ll5D-121a), Group Four. <br /> I c~ Vacancies occurring in any group for whatever reason shall <br />be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the agency or <br />agencies authorized to select trustees of that group and in the man- <br />ner in which regular selections are made. Should the selection of a <br />trustee not be made by the agency or agencies having the authority <br />to do so within 60 days after the date on which a vacancy occurs, <br />whether by creation or expiration ora term or for any other reason, <br />the Governor shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the remain- <br />der of the unexpired term. (1963, c. 448, s. 23; 1977, c. 823, ss. 104; <br />1979, c. 462, s. 2; 1985, c. 757, s. 147; 1987, c. 564, ss. 10, 12; 1987 <br />IReg. Sess., 1988), c. 1037, s. 111; 1991, c. 283, s. 1.) <br /> <br /> Effect of Amendments.- The i991 added the last sentence of the second <br />amendment, effective June 1.3, 1991, paragraph of subsection <br /> <br /> <br />