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~CASARI]US COUNTY] <br />NOR11t CAI]OLINA <br /> <br />TO: Frank Clifton County Manager/"' <br />FROM: Jtm Cook, Soctal Services Dtrect0r,~ ./ <br />DATE: 7-14-97 [j <br />SUBJECT: Budget Amendment Request ~/' <br /> <br /> As discussed, I am submitting i~e attached budget amend--ment request and asking <br />that it be scheduled for consideration by the Board of Commissioners at its meeting of 7- <br />21~97. <br /> <br /> My memo of 6-25-97 (attached) indicated, we expect to be able to purchase 55 <br />PC's and related network equipment, software, and training under a 75% federal-funded <br />program named SACWIS. A statewide equipment purchase is now pending federal <br />approval which is anticipated around 8-1-97. Once approval is received, the equipment <br />purchased must be delivered before 10-1-97. We would need to purchase from a state <br />contract due to these time limitations. We are requesting the Board's approval of the <br />amendment and the purchase subject to federal approval. <br /> <br /> Instructions from the state and a listing of the items we should receive federal <br />approval to purchase, are attached in a memo to me of 7-10-97. <br /> <br /> This program will allow us to: I) make equipment upgrades we would soon need <br />to make at the most t~tvorable match rate we are likely to receive, and 2) allow us to <br />transfer some 35 "replaced" PC's to the County to save funds budgeted by the County for <br />purchase of PC's this year. (An inventory of these has been provided to Jean Kennedy <br />and is also attached here. She indicates these will be useful). <br /> <br />We must "front end" this purchase and be reimbursed the 75% federal funding <br />after the purchase. I have budgeted only $261, 188 in additional expense as some $25,500 <br />'~h expense that will qualify under this program is already budgeted. I have proposed <br />taking the 25% county share of cost tbr this, $65,297, t¥om county funds we had budgeted <br />to public assistance. The decrease in our caseload and assistance costs from our WOW <br />and Work First program activities make this funding available. <br /> <br />Please let me know of any additional information you may need. <br /> <br />cc: Kathy Straub <br /> Jean Kennedy <br /> <br /> <br />