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North Carolina Department of Human Resources <br /> Division of Information Resource Management <br /> 695 Palmer Drive * CaII~r Box 29~Z8 * Rtlei~h, N.C. Z'/626-0SZ8 · Courier Service <br /> <br />Jam~s B, Hunt, Goveruor Wilibm S, Cox, ~}irector <br /> David gruton, M.D., Secretary (919) ~33~860 <br /> <br />July 9, 1997 <br /> <br />Dear County Direcwr of Social Services: <br /> <br />Subject: IMPORTANT SACWIS EQUIPMENT FURCHASE INFORMATION '- <br /> <br />We are curr~nOy on schedule to have Federal approval of the SACW1S equlpmcnt purchase on <br />August 1, 1997. However, we need several things from counties to insure that we me~t <br />purchasing deadlines. <br /> <br />I. For all counties: Less than half the counties have returned the SACWIS Equipment <br />Purchase Option form that was distributed earlier by fax and discussed in the county clu.~ ter -- <br />meet/ngs. If your county has not re~-ncd form by fax, please do so immediately, e~en if <br />your county is not going to participate in the purchase. All 100 counties must be accounted for. <br />Another copy of that form, with fax inslructions, is included with letter. As a reminder, <br />counties electing hhe s~ate purchase option must include their ~otal amount on the form. <br /> <br />2. For counties electing to have thc State purchase their equipment: An updated.sp~ ~adsheet <br />of your cquipmen~ is enclosed. Please rzview it for accuracy. Any changes should be ml ~de in <br />pen on the sheet, with a new total indicated. There is a column on the far left ha~d side <br />indicate with an X which items will be part of the state purchase. If all of your items wil~ be part <br />of that, wrile "ALL" in that column, If you aze 'going to split your purchase bet~vcen stalk and <br />local, write "SPLIT" at thc top of the column and put an X next to each,, it~m. that will ,l?~t~h't, of <br />thc state purchase. ' <br /> <br />The slate purchase will include only DHR standard items that were sp~ified in the original <br />SACWI,~ cquipmenl package senl to you, unless you tell us otherwise. You may have non- <br />standard items included in the state purchase, but you must submit requisition level <br />including vendors, par~ numbers., prices, quantities, and shipping infom~ation. This shoddd be <br />faxcd to Will Brown/Allen Hawks at (919) 715-3~$1. <br /> <br /> <br />