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G-90-1997 2~38PM <br /> <br />FI:~H CABAPJ:~JS COUNTY E.~S 704 782 92@S <br /> <br />1997 <br /> <br />~ald Harwood <br />E~S <br />Cebarms County <br /> <br />$1 Willowb[ook <br />Concord, lqC 28025 <br /> <br /> Con~at~iatloua! I am pleased to announce that your l:n'ogram, Unitlut ~M$ Vision P:~ <br />$~we.~:&tu/, has ~ w!~ for · 1997 NACo Achievetacnt Award. In m~ 28th year of the Achi~0~nt <br />Av~4 gro~u~ NACo is ~xu~mely pleased with ~ high caliber of county progran~ and ~noj~-ns. NACo <br />is i~'oud to confer this &ward and mcognJz~ your bard work to ~omo~e responsible, rmponsiveo a~d <br />effective county ~ovenunent. <br /> <br /> NACo greatly appreciates your participation ia our Achievement Award progra~ In addilion to <br />giving u~ em oi~cxx-amlty to ~rm*lly ~eco~i-~. effective and creative pro.rams, this ertha/tc~ ottr <br />awazenass of couaty activi~ a~l ~llows tls to share val~*_hle information with othe~ counfie~ throughout <br />thc a~ioa. <br /> <br /> A~ you may know, NACo t~,o~aiz.~ award ia sevoral ways. Thc majority of ~ year's <br />winnir~ grognm~ will be inck,8_ _~_ in aa ugooming NACo publi¢~on focusing on medal ~ouaty g~rogmm~, <br />Program summaries will ~ [x~ttd to NACo's Inl~mot hom~ page (h~tp'J/www. as well. In <br />addition, s~v~ral of the award winning prognm~ will b~ highli~h~l in CounO' ]Yews ia th~ column, '~axs <br />· O~...," in th~ coming months. You also will have an opportunity to celebrate your accomplishment by <br />rewarding your~If with a 1997 Aohlcvem~t Awaxd Commemorative Item. A commamorative brochur~ <br />will be sent to you in tho ~xt two w~ks. <br /> <br /> Questions concerning the awm'd pro, ram should be directed to the Research Division al 202-942- <br />427914285. <br /> <br /> This ye~. NACo will be hosting an Awai'ds Reception at the Annua~ Conference in BalQmore. <br />This reception, scheduled fo~-S!,nday, ~fuly 13, from 4 to 5 p.m. in room 307 of the Baltimore Convention <br />Center, will also be aa opporttmhy for you or yoar representative to have a photo taken with a NACo <br />officer. Photographs will be taken from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. ~ l~t our staff know by Thursday, ~Iuly 3, if <br />a repre,.eentatlv¢ of your county will be attending the Awards Reception by calling Kelly Liu at 202-942- <br />4293. Please remember to bring your award certificate with you, if you would like m display it in tl~ photo. <br /> <br /> A~ain. you have our thanks and our congramlationa. W6 look forward to your conlinucd <br />participation in the 1998 program. <br /> <br />440 Fi~t Street. NW <br /> <br /> <br />