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07/08/1997 i2:19 784-788-8058 HARTSELL,SPAINHOUR,S PAGE 02 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION No. 1997-20 <br /> <br />North Carolim~ <br />Cabmus Coumy <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF <br /> COUNTY COMM]$SIONER$ OF CABARRUS COLrNTY <br /> SUPPORTINO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE <br /> KEVIN PUGH OUTSTANDING OFFICI~R AWARD PROGRAM <br /> <br /> WHi~EAS, Kevin Push served Cabarrus County and its citize~ as a Deputy in <br />the Cabarrus County Shy'rites Departmant until his untimely death; <br /> <br /> WHF. RE, A~, tl~ ~ of Kgvin Push throush t~r ge~'osity, wish to p~rpatuate <br />the memory of K~ Push by ~blishlng a tnat fund with CabmTus County to award <br />outstandin8 ~ ~ the Cabarrus Coumy Sl~riff's Department; and <br /> <br /> WHER.F. AS, Cabm'nm County agrees to maintain nmi administer the trust fund and <br />awards; <br /> <br /> NOW, ~ORF~ th~ Board of CommJs~oners for Cabatrus County does <br />her~¥ d~errnh~ and r~olv~ the following: <br /> <br /> !. The County shall establish throu8h a donation from the family of Kev~n Pngh <br />the KEVIN PUGH OUTSTANDING OFFICER AWARD PROGRAM; <br /> <br /> 2. The donation shill be placed in a separate interest bearing money market <br />account, or similar account, to be ~ and administered by the Caban'us County <br />Finance Dep~fmont. <br /> <br /> ]. The intmest mined by the trust fund accoum shall fund the award pro,ram <br />which shall recognize outstanding performance and se~Ace to the Cabarrus County <br />Shcrrif~s D~MUX~t ~ citJz, e~ of Cabarr~le County. <br /> <br /> 4. Ea~ year two awa~ls in the amoum of approximately $500.00 (depcnding on <br />interest e~u'ned by the tn~ fund account) shall be given to officers of the Cabarrus County <br />Sheriff's Depamnent. One award sludl be made to an outstanding first-year officer, and <br />thc ~:c, ond award shall be made to an outstancUn8 senior officer. <br /> <br /> $. The selection of the award recipients shall be made by a committee comprised <br />ofthe Sherif~ the ChiefDeputy and Cai3~in ofthe Cabarrus County Shcrriff's <br />Department, with hq)ut ~om nil division or squad supervisors. Criteria considered by the <br /> <br />committee shall be parfommnce evulualion~eoutstandins individual effort, attitude. <br />demeanor, and dedication to the office of Deputy Sheriff. <br /> <br /> 6. The &wards ~ be made in July of each yem' and the officers shall receive thc <br />award th'ouch the norms] county payroll. <br /> <br /> <br />