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After our review, the Board of Commissioners unanimously <br />feels that a merger with Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare will <br />provide the best program of services to our citizens. We <br />recognize that by State Statute, a revision in the organizational <br />structure of Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare requires the following: <br /> <br />1). Approval by the Rowan County Board of Commissioners; <br />2). Approval by the Piedmont Area Board of Directors; <br />~). Approval by the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners; <br />4~ Approval by the Union County Board of Commissioners; <br />5). Approval by the Stanly County Board of Commissioners; <br />6). Approval by the State Mental Health Commission. <br /> <br /> While we recognize that any merger of Rrograms cannot <br />possibly be realized by July 1, we have secured approval from the <br />State Division for its continued operations of the Tri-County <br />program until either September 1 or October 1, 1997. <br /> <br /> The Rowa~ County Board of Commissioner~ voted ,,n~mously .o~ <br />M~y 28. ~'~97 to pursue a m~rqer with Piedmon~ Behavioral <br />Healthcare continqent upon the approval of each of the ~bnv~ <br />l~sted authorities. We are therefore requesting that each <br />authority consider our request and provide us with your position. <br />We hope that your Board will consider the inclusion of Rowan <br />County into the Piedmont system a positive addition to the <br />catchment area which will greatly enhance the Area Program's <br />ability to provide services through a larger client network and <br />more efficient purchasing power. <br /> <br /> For your information, we are providing correspondence between <br />Dr. Lorish and our staff in which certain program, organizational <br />and financial issues have been addressed. Thank you in advance <br />for your interest. We look forward to hear from you and would <br />welcome an opportunity t~ discuss our request. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <br /> ~wan County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> Ja~s~Nee~ J~/Newton Cohen <br /> ~haifman \ Vfce- Chairman <br /> <br />Ste~e Blount ~rank Tadlock Dave Rowland <br />Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner <br /> <br />Attachment <br /> <br /> <br />