Laserfiche WebLink
DETAILED OPERATIONS <br /> <br />Continued <br /> <br />The product will be staged in a shipping lane awaiting to be shipped. Upon arrival of the truck, <br />the pallets are loaded by scanning the corresponding license plate and dock door, notifying the <br />WMS the order has been loaded and sent. <br /> <br /> Throughout ever3.' step in the DC. real-time tracking ora product is monitored. Customer <br />inquiries can now be answered on the status of their deliveD', inventory is accurate and up to <br />date. and shipments are on time and complete. Stanley now gets accurate orders to the customer <br />on time while also decreasing their logistics cost. With projected sales growth in the future, a <br />real-time warehouse management system enables Stanley Works to meet its increasing customer <br />demands and lower its operating costs. <br /> <br /> <br />