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do <br /> <br />eo <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />Unless otherwise provided, the width of a buffer zone is <br />measured form the edge of the water to the nearest edge of <br />the disturbed area, with the twenty-five percent (25%) of the <br />strip nearer the land-disturbing activity containing natural <br />or artificial means of confining visible siltation. <br /> <br />Graded Slopes and Fills - the angle for graded slopes and fills shall <br />be no greater than the angle which can be retained by vegetative <br />cover or other adequate erosion control devices or structures. In <br />any event, slopes left exposed will, within 30 working days of <br />completion of any phase of grading, be planted or otherwise be <br />provided with ground cover, devices, or structures sufficient to <br />restrain erosion. <br /> <br />Ground Cover - whenever more than one (1) acre [except as <br />provided in Section 6(a)(2)] is uncovered, the person conducting <br />the land-disturbing activity shall install such sedimentation and <br />erosion control devices and practices as are sufficient to retain the <br />sediment generated by the land-disturbing activity within the <br />boundaries of the tract during construction upon and <br />development of said tract, and shall plant or otherwise provide a <br />permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion after <br />completion of construction or development. Except as provided in <br />Section 8(b)(5), provisions for a ground cover sufficient to restrain <br />erosion must be accomplished within 30 working days following <br />completion of construction or development. <br /> <br />Prior Plan Approval - no person shall initiate any land-disturbing <br />activity on a tract if more than one (1) acre [except as provided in <br />Section 6(a)(2)] is to be uncovered unless, thirty or more days prior <br />to initiating the activity, a Plan is filed with and approved by the <br />County. Should the Plan be filed, approved, and a grading permit <br />issued in less than 30 days from the day of filing, the land- <br />disturbing activities and mitigation efforts. <br /> <br />Pre-Submittal Conference - at least ten (10) days prior to Plan <br />submittal, the person initiating the land-disturbing activity shall <br />have a pre-submittal conference with the County staff to <br />familiarize them with the proposed land-disturbing activities and <br />mitigation efforts. <br /> <br />Zoning Permits - any person requesting a Zoning Permit in <br />association with a land-disturbing activity, on a tract which <br />involves the uncovering of more than one (1) acre of land [except <br /> <br /> <br />