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· WI~DNESDAY. JULY 30. 1997 <br /> <br />Storm Water Services <br /> <br /> was the most ever recorded <br /> Mecklenburg County. The <br />~ths ever recorded in many <br /> ,st due to flooding in three <br />~any millions of doila~ <br />cur? <br /> <br />_f ChaHotte-Mecklenburg from <br />o these questions and the steps <br /> effects of such flooding. These <br />wavy rainfall and <br />~lur challenge is to plan <br /> <br />i o floodplain regulations <br />development in some <br />nlains? <br /> Iplain regulations adopted in the early <br />~ide the natu~ai floodplain into two <br />ne illustration). The area along the <br /> :elf is caJled :he floodway encroach- <br />:~r/ct and building in this area is <br />:ed. The outer potions along both ' <br /> ~e stream are called the fringe <br />._.development of this area is per- <br />out restricted so that new build- <br /> ~e above the regulatory flood <br /> se a~as are mapped so that <br />-~r "no encroachment area" will <br />· to carry the I O0 year flood, <br />~ ; fringe areas on both sides are <br />~1. In this way, the flood carrying <br /> of the stream is maintained in the center, which allows <br />i ,mic use of a portion of the floodplain land. <br /> <br /> Storm Water Send(ms doing <br /> flooding problems? <br /> <br /> Tn water programs began in 1993 and are financed <br />the monthly service charge included on Charlotte- <br />· ~urg utility bills. Several kinds of projects are under- <br /> duce the impact of flooding, <br />.~s to existing storm drains correct pipe and culvert <br />se ~nH nrCvCnf' ~rn~inn rh2t is cnusin~ or threa~enin~ <br /> <br /> Ila|ii[~il <br />(in inches) <br /> <br />Under 3.62 <br /> 3.62- 4.94 <br /> 4,95- 6.27 <br /> 6.28 - 7.59 <br /> 7.60 - 8,92 <br /> 8.93- 10.24 <br /> 10.25- 11.57 <br /> Ove~- 11.58 <br /> <br />· Construction of new drainage infrastructure for flood con- <br /> trol, often throughout a neighborhood, provides the <br /> larger culverts and channels necessary for our urban condi- <br /> tions ($17 million spen: since 1993). <br />· Stabilizing the banks of both large and small streams makes <br /> them more efficient for carrying flood waters and <br /> minimizes erosion damage that can occur during flooding <br /> 1~[4 rnillinn ~n~nr '~inr~ <br /> <br /> <br />