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OFFICE OF SUPT./CCS TEL:?O~?825625 Ru9 06'97 16:10 No,O01 P.01 <br /> <br /> TO: Mr. Frank Clifton (FYI and Dbtrlbution) FROM: Grace Mynatt <br /> <br /> BOARDS OF EDUC AND THE ~ <br /> REGARDING MERGER STUDY/PROPOSALS <br /> <br />Th~ Caba~,~ County Commissioners and County Manager feel thai the exi.s~nc~ ortwo s~uato school distrk:la <br />within Catr~ums Cotu~y compromisers th~ most efficient and cffeciiv~ distribution of tax doitar~ This is mainly <br />manifc,'~cd in the lack of increase in ~nlx~r~e d~llant to KCS because of CCS rapid bn'owth and the equal per capita <br />distn3=ion of bond money without equal growth. <br /> <br />Awar~ of these concerns, we (Cabarms County Schools, Klmnapolis City Schools, and Rowan-Salisbu~ SchooLs) <br />have agreed to Nrc a third party consullant to make a thorough study of the ismc~ involwd. The Cabarms Cou'aiy <br />Commi&sioners will provid~ funding. <br /> <br />SCOPE OF MERGER STUDY <br /> <br />At tho cooclusion of thc faci-finding study, the combined boanta will seek to d~tcrmine, "What is <br />~ffic~nt and desirable way to cklivcr education among thc children currently served by tho Cabarnts Comly, <br />Kannapolis City and Rowan-SalisbuO' ~hool Syst~ns?" <br /> <br />AREAS OF STUDY <br /> · MERGER <br /> Merger Optiork~minimum of three <br /> Organizational structure <br /> Facility <br /> Financial costs or ,savings <br /> Community impact <br /> Instructional Programs <br /> Student ~.ssil~mcnt <br /> ALTERNATI~'E OPTIONS <br /> S 'har~d services <br /> Cooperative budgeting <br /> Coopcr~.iv¢ facilities planning and use <br /> ln.stru~ional programs <br /> Cooperative admi~_ig'wafion <br /> · LEGAL ISSUES (for ail options given) <br /> Responsibilities of rations entities <br /> <br /> Political structure <br /> Special le/~slation <br /> POST STUDY <br /> Suggestions for post-study activities <br /> Separate proposal for oplional post study of any needed community feedback <br /> <br />CONTRACT PROPOSAL <br /> Timeline to include periodic repotting ,bt,_'s and amicipaied Fvbruary completion <br /> E,~timat¢ of responsibilities as.signed to system ~aff <br /> <br />]Propo~ls should be submitted to Mrs. Grace My~tt, l~ard Chair, Cabarrus County Schools no t <br />later than 12:00 noon on Tuesday, August 1~, 1997. The fax number for submis~ion of proposals is <br />704/782-$623. <br /> <br /> <br />