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Proposed Radio Tower Page 4 <br />Cabarrus County Sheriffs Dept. <br /> <br />Soil Load Capacity_ Evaluation and Recommendations <br /> <br />Drilled Shqft or Pile Foundations <br />Based upon the data from the borings and my past experience with similar soils, the residual soils <br />in the vicinity of the bor'mgs should provide adequate bearing and uplift support for a system of <br />drilled shaft (drilled piers) or driven pile foundations for the proposed tower. <br /> <br />Drilled shaft foundations founded at a depth of 31 ft may be designed for a maximum allowable <br />total end-bearing pressure of 25 ksf. For uplift resistance, a horizontal modulus of subgrade <br />reaction (Kb) of 20z/D can be used for the upper 15 ft and 40z/D can be used below 15 ft, where z <br />is the depth below grade and D is the pier diameter. The units of K~ are tons per cubic foot. <br /> <br />The following values can be assumed: qb (phi) angle of 32°, Rankine passive earth pressure <br />coefficient (Kp) of 3.3, Rankine at-rest lateral earth pressure coefficient (Ko) of 0.31. Assume a <br />soil unit weight of about 120 pcf (lb/ft3)/ <br /> <br />The shaft bottoms should be approved by the geotechnical engineer after cleaning, and before <br />placing concrete. The engineer should also be retained to observe placement of the rebar cage and <br />concrete. This is because improper placement of concrete in the rebar cage can cause segregation <br />of the concrete which could potentially compromise the structural integrity of the pier. <br /> <br />The borings encountered groundwater within the expected construction depths. During the wetter <br />seasons of the year (the late winter and spring), the subsurface water levels may be higher than <br />those at the time of this exploration. Groundwater will likely occur within the depths affected by <br />construction. <br /> <br />The fact that all the borings caved below the water table verifies that the soil in that portion of the <br />boring is predominately sand, and indicates that there will potentially be some minor difficulty <br />installing the piers. The shaft construction will require casing seated into the partially weathered <br />rock which was encountered at roughly 25 to 30 ft. <br /> <br />Water will likely infiltrate the excavation and will need to be continuously pumped prior to <br />placing concrete. If the excavation is not seated into the auger refusal material, the excavation <br />.bottom could potentially be unstable. It will likely be very difficult, if not impossible, to construct <br />. 'abell in the event that the contractor elects to use a relatively small diameter shaft with a belled <br /> <br />Based upon the data from the borings and my past experience with similar soils, the residual soils <br />in the vicinity of the borings should provide adequate support for a system of shallow foundations <br />for the proposed structure, subject to the criteria and site preparation recommendations that follow. <br /> <br />File: 97-026R.sam <br /> <br /> <br />