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Other recommendations that fall under the <br />heading of community identity deal directly <br />with preserving the assets of the community <br />and promoting positive changes. This can <br />be done through regulation and through <br />active participation. Effective planning and <br />the resultant zoning and subdivision <br />regulations are used to help regulate and <br />control growth so that it fosters and <br />promotes the community. Actions taken by <br />residents and groups should include active <br />preservation of historical assets, <br />development of community focal points and <br />markers, and support for assets of the <br />community. <br /> <br />One of the specific recommendations is to <br />strengthen ties to the Reed Mine Historic <br />Site. There is already involvement of the <br />community with the mine through volunteer <br />efforts, and that participation should <br />continue to be supported. Other suggestions <br />for involvement include area merchant <br />promotion of the site, use of the mine for <br />community association events, and <br />exploration of additional uses for the park <br />property. The most ambitious idea for the <br />strengthening of the site is that it be <br />promoted as an alternative site for the <br />proposed thirteen county regional park. <br />Other improvements that are being <br />considered include additional hiking trails, a <br />nature center, more picnic areas and a <br />campground. Any of these need financial <br />support from the County or a regional or <br />state agency in order to be implemented. <br /> <br />The second category of recommendations <br />address quality of life specifically. These <br />recommendations mainly address <br />governmental services and programs, public <br />facilities, and private services including <br /> <br />commercial ones. The governmental <br />services that are discussed include studying <br />the feasibility of a branch library, <br />consideration of locating an ambulance <br />station in the area, expanded recycling <br />services, and the promotion of existing <br />services. On the private side it is important <br />that there be properly zoned land to allow <br />for the development of a local shopping <br />center and for community services such as <br />medical and dental offices. <br /> <br />The final set of recommendations concern <br />preservation and protection of the rural <br />character and heritage of the area. This <br />subject has been discussed throughout the <br />other recommendations because it is so <br />closely interrelated with many other actions. <br />The rural preservation area concept is <br />included in the Countryside Residential <br />zoning district. This zoning will, among <br />other things, encourage and promote the <br />dedication of open space, lessen negative <br />visual and environmental effects through <br />development standards, and limit access to <br />secondary roads. The zoning also <br />encourages clustering of homes so less land <br />is used for the development of housing and <br />thereby, more 9f it left undeveloped in its <br />natural state. <br /> <br />Agricultural preservation is the final <br />recommendation. The continuation of <br />deferred tax value for farmland and the <br />promotion of agri-business are important <br />actions in achieving the goal of preserving <br />agriculture. Finally, the plan encourages an <br />increase in research into alternative farming <br />techniques and cash crops. This is an <br />increasingly growing agricultural issue that <br />is being studied by the Extension Service. <br /> <br />26 <br /> <br /> <br />