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FEDERAL AND STATE LAW REQUIREMENTS TO ASSIST IN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS <br /> <br />To assist counties in the evaluation process, we have listed most of the federal and State <br />legislative provisions that will continue to govern both the Standard and Electing Programs. <br />Remember, these are programmatic provisions regarding eligibility criteria. The State and <br />counties are still required to comply with other federal laws such as meeting participation rates <br />and reporting requirements. Federal requirements are generally from P.L. 104-193. <br /> <br />In addition to the following list of requirements, County Departments of Social Services will <br />continue to be required to administer the entitlement programs, Medicaid and Food Stamps, <br />according to federal and state law and regulation. Decisions made regarding changes to <br />eligibility criteria in Electing Counties could potentially require that the eligibility <br />determinations for Medicaid and Food Stamps be separated from the Work First eligibility <br />determination. <br /> <br />· Assistance can only be provided for families where a minor child lives with an adult <br /> caretaker relative. [federal - See. 406 (a) (1)] <br /> <br />· Sanction must be applied for non-cooperation with child support. [federal - Sec. 406 (a) (2)] <br /> <br />· Adults must assign rights to child support to the State (currently, NC law already assumes the <br /> assignment is made when the Work First application is signed). [federal - See. 406 (a) (3)] <br /> <br />· Teen parents must attend school and live with parents or in other adnlt-supervised setting. <br /> [federal - Sec. 406 (a) (4) and (5)] <br /> <br />· Lifetime time limit on assistance cannot exceed 5 years, with possible hardship extensions. <br /> [federal - Sec. 406 (a) (7)1 <br />· Individual is ineligible for assistance for 10 years if he is found to have fraudulently <br /> misrepresented his residence in order to get assistance in 2 or more states. [federal - Sec. 406 <br /> (a) (8)] <br /> <br />· Individuals who are fugitive felons and probation and parole violators are not eligible for <br /> assistance; certain information must be shared upon request from,law enforcement officials. <br /> [federal - Sec. 406 (a) (9)] <br /> <br />· Children who are absent from the home for not less than 30 nor more than 180 days (# days <br /> optional) are not eligible for assistance unless they have good cause for being absent. A <br /> caretaker relative who fails to notify the agency of the child's absence within 5 days is not <br /> eligible for assistance. [federal - Sec. 406 (a) (10)] <br /> <br />· All family members must have a social security number or apply for one. [federal - 42 <br /> U.S.C. 1320 (a)(1)] .,.. <br /> Class H or I drag felons are eligible for assistance, others are not. [State - 108A-25.2.] <br /> <br /> All adults must register for employment with the Employment Security Commission. [State - <br /> 108A-29.] <br /> <br /> Individuals found to be addicted to alcohol or drugs and to be in need of professional <br /> substance abuse treatment services are required to do so as a condition of eligibility. [State - <br /> 108A-29.1 ] <br /> Comply with significant data collection reporting, including gathering and reporting <br /> disaggrcgated household information. [federal - Sec. 41 I] <br /> <br /> <br />