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~04.786.~19! <br /> <br />Se]~e~ber 5, 1997 <br /> <br />Jonathan B. HarshaZl <br />Pla~ing Services Director <br />P. O. Box 707 <br />Concord, NC 28025-070? <br /> <br /> Thanks for the o~or~unit¥ =c make comments regarding the proposed <br />redesign o~ the Caba=ru. section o~ Highland Creek. A~ w~ reviewed our 1990 <br />co~ente, our primary concern, were the Lmpac~ of 1200 homes on our schools <br /> <br /> We find it interesting that these concerns have not changed. The <br />Cab.true County portion of Highland creek will be in the w. R. 0dell <br />Elementary School attendance area. T~e W. R. Odell Sl_.--~nt~ry School <br />enrollment was reduced with the opening of the n~w #~dd£ngton Hills <br />l~e~enta~-f School in Nov~er, 1996. However, 1:he enroLLment at Odell ia <br />already reaching capacity again. The future conet~uotio~of a ne~ <br />Harrisburg Elementary School appears to he our only ho~e £or relief at <br />Odell. Wedding~on Nills Elementary School has a capac~y of 1000 a~d a8 of <br />August 28, 1997, th~ enrollment had reached 976. <br /> <br /> Our o~hn= concern ia the lx~s.ib£1~ty of hav£ng to access students in <br />the £niti&l phase of the Cabarrue section thro;gh ~e ~~g ~ion of <br /> <br />c~ ~ ~cea8~ fr~H~rie ~ad using ~ ~rov~ ELlen~ ~ad. ~if <br />=~ough ~other e~tr~ce to B~ghLand C~k ~r~kl~g C~y. <br /> <br /> <br />