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5. The extensive wetland has been identified in the Cabarrus County Natural <br />Heritage Survey (in process) as having countywide~ and perhaps regional, <br />signifi_,~_ nce. The water quality appears to be exceptional and the biodiversity is <br />~mpressive. Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation District has entered into a <br />conservation agreement with a landowner to conserve a portion of this wetland. The <br />Conservation District is worlcin~ with a number of narm~.,, <br /> <br />Central North Carolina, the Unlvenity of North Carolina at Charlotte, and the Wildlife <br />Resources Commission, to develop a comprehensive manage~nent strategy for this <br />wetlancL Participation by the developers of Highland Creek in the ongoing planning <br />process is essential to the success of these conservation efforts. <br /> <br /> <br />