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Executive Committee Recommendation for Parks & Recreation <br /> Commission Reorgani-~tion <br /> <br />The following ia a proposal for teorsanization of thc Park & RccreaLioa Commission. <br />This proposal will change from thc current 1 l cornmissiog memOer~ to 9 commission <br />members. ~ will include a membe~ lmm thc Cabarrus County School Board and a <br />member t'rom ti~ Kam~apolis School Boa_rd. In the event ora School Board merger, thc <br />Kznnapoli$ School Board ix~ition would be convccted Lnto a Township 4 (~annapoiL~ <br />3a'ea) position. TI~ propo-'sal La to continue to have U:u'ec year t¢,,,s with ~ membe~ <br />6f the cornmisaion having their t~ms cxpLr~ every yea~r. Thc following ~oposal aligns <br />thc con,mission to have six members aorainatcd for posi~ons in January of 1998 with <br />thx~ of the terms being for two years and thc other three terr~ being for three yeats. <br />Thin will -align the commission to have :cr~ for' thre~ commission membex~ expire crecy <br />yeac. <br /> <br /> Commission Mem~rs <br />K~nnapoli~ School Board <br />Cabaxrus County School Board <br />Township 1,2,3 <br /> <br />Townsbip 1.2.3 <br />Township 4 <br />Township 5,6,7,8 <br />Township 9.10 <br />Township l 1 <br />Township 12 <br /> <br />Aoooiab,~-nt Date~ <br />1998 2001 2004 Etc... <br />1998 20(X} 2003 Etc... <br />1999. 2002 2005 Etc... <br />1998 2001 20(}4 Etc... <br />1998 2000 2003 Etc... <br />1999 2002 2005 Etc... <br />1999 2CX)2 2005 Etc... <br />1998 2000 2003 Etc... <br />1998 2001 2004 Etc... <br /> <br />By Appointment Dates <br />Cabarrus County School Board <br />Township 4 <br />Township 11 <br /> <br />1998 2000 2003 Etc... <br />1998 2(,X~ 2003 Etc... <br />1998 2003 2003 Etc.,. <br /> <br />Ka~aapolis School Board <br />Township 1.2,3 <br />Township 12 <br /> <br />1998 2001 2004 Etc... <br />1.998 2001 2004 Etc... <br />1998 2001 2004 Etc... <br /> <br />Township 1.2,3 1999 2002 2005 Etc... <br />Township 5,6,7,8 1999 20(~2 2005 Etc... <br />Town~hip 9,10 1999 2002 2005 1:~-... <br /> <br />Please refer to the Cabarrus County Parks & Recreation Commission By-Laws for <br />referent,, to length or'terms (6 yxs) az to what effect t~s veoxganizatiou woutd have on <br />yOu az present member. <br /> <br /> <br />