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1 <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br /> POL'rCY NO, ~ PG600B66 XS60086T <br /> <br /> ~L~CY ~R ~OD= --- <br /> F r o m ~ 03/29196 03129 ~96 00/00/O0 <br /> To ~ 0~/29/9T ' 03/29/9T -'00/00/~ <br /> -. - COH~INED:.'SINGEE LIMIT <br />In ~he eve~ of a~y ma~eria~ chan~e i~, or canceL[a~i,on,~f::said'po[icY(ies), <br />the Company ~i~L e~d~avor ~ ~ive ~rifte~ ~otice to the parry ~hom this <br />-[~tificate is Issued~ but fa/L~re to 91ye such'~o~lce'.shaL[ l~p:ose <br /> ~biLity or obLigatio~ u~o~ the company, '~ . ....._ ::~ <br /> <br /> 1480 US Highwa~ ~9 North ~'~'~:_i~n~'-.~1 P~ope~tg ' <br /> Concord, NC 28025 .... <br /> lit j~ a condltloa of t. he potlcy that aLL..dtsptays::~e repo~ted to the ~ompany at <br /> Least 24 hours I~ advance of the display date~, .. ~ -' · <br /> <br /> Th i s ce ~t i f icate ~ i the~'?~;~i rmat i veLy. noF .'~:ga t <br /> t he cov erag eaf t o~d~:~b~;~e.~:.o-L icy (:i ~)~[b'ed:~.hb~:~ea'~E :..~.~n '~ he~. ~eye n'~':-- <br /> sub se~u ~t a= +a.;.~w.~~~' ta~'.: i:~-Lne~a i'th <br /> ....... ~'~L~ ' ~" -' ' ' ~' '~;,~"-"~" ~ · "'¥ ~"''' ' ; ..... ~ ~' -" <br /> <br /> - . ..... ;-~ . , , .... . . .-. :. . ~,--.-. , .... ~ .... , . :: .. <br /> ,~n~;~i~ are additiO~L i~s~reds~ ~Y fair or exhi~ltio~, <br /> by the Name~ ~n~~~:~, ~-.:--?,}~~:~,j..;'.~;,~[:.?jl.~:;-,.!=;;::.~::;.TthL'' <br /> Named I ~s~r ed or ~ge.'~'ae~.:.~aS~g.~ ~B ~yee~..~c:~ <br /> of the I ~ emp.[ oyme~z · "~.~ s~'..::as,; a~o ~ z ~ 9 ~'~. ~a~U." zn~Ar~d~:'L~ <br /> <br /> , . . ~. ,~;. ;~-': / .- ~ . ..:......;/~' .. : ., .-. ,:... .. ¥..:.-.. . -: <br /> <br /> i t h at [. ap p ~ ~cab ~ 'Na 4"~'~ ~'re· rr~ t~t Jt~.~',/,~foC ~:at~ o~.:;'(~;'- co~es :-a n~ ..... ~. .... <br /> ~ ' ' := '" ~: .... · '' f ' i' '" a:''~''''''''':' ~*":" m; ":""'"' :" ' '='' ' '' '" ": ~-': <br /> sta ,dar ds effect o .. the::-d <br /> ~ I s cert If I cate-"ls':netf.v:aL'id:' u~L~s aa: ot'!.91~' L' si,'. '~ -:. <br /> '(Copies Not Uattd,) "-:" :' ' ' ' "."' ':'~':. '.". :-'~:?~?.:."=" . ' .' ' <br /> , <br /> <br /> <br />