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JAMES B. HUNT JR. <br /> GOVERNOR <br /> <br /> STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GARLAND B. GARR[]-F JR. <br /> SECRETARY <br /> 615 Concord Road <br /> Albemarle, N. C. 28001 <br /> April 22, 1996 <br /> <br />Ms. Susie Bonds <br />Clerk to Cabarrus County Commission <br />Concord. N. C. 28025 <br /> <br />Subject: Proposed 1996-1997 Seconda~ Road Construction Program for <br /> Cabarrus Count3' <br /> <br />Dear Mrs. Bonds: <br /> <br />I am enclosing 7 copies of the proposed 1996~1997 Secondary. Road Construction <br />Program for Cabarrus Coun.ty. I am also enclosing one copy of the program and map <br />showing the descriptions only. without the amounts. <br /> <br />The program with the descriptions only needs to be posted on the Courthouse Bulletin <br />Board for 2 weeks prior to the formal or final presentation of the program to thc Count' <br />Commission. <br /> <br />It is my understanding that we are on the agenda as follows: <br /> <br />Preliminaw Presentation ~ May 2, 1996 at 6:30 PM <br /> <br />Formal (Final Presentation) May 21, 1996 at 6:30 PM <br /> <br />Thank you for 3'our cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please call me at <br />982-0104. <br /> <br />Very. truly yours, <br /> <br />District Engineer <br /> <br />cc: IVlr. B. G. Payne <br /> · Mr. J. K. Wilson <br /> <br /> <br />