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RE OLUTION <br /> <br />BE IT RK.,SOLV~D by the Czbzrrus County Bosrd ot F..xlucalien u'~t ~c £oi]ov4n8 ilcrns ~r~ cndor~ccl: <br /> <br />school/p~rk concept is ~ v'~id pmgr4m for Cabazms C~mu7. It builds on existing <br />ca3pemive glgion~ps and est~islg~ z foundation for joint pizzming, joim admininmion <br /> joint financing of mc~zlioa t~ilit~ fl~ will ~erve ~ ~he sc~ ~ud the cammunity.-- <br /> <br />Of ~r,.mc~ impm't~m~ in ~ sc~ool/Im~ ~ L~ ,~ Lmplea~-,~"on otjoim pl~nS, jo/~ <br />~m/nistmt. ion, znd joi~ funding by sclmols, ~ P'm't.s & Rcct~on Dq~'tmem, m~l t~c -- <br /> <br />All ghool c'~puses, both new ~nd ~ slx~ld ~ cv-ilumcd for potential school/l~Utcs. _ <br />Bcc~us~ school campus~ ~t~ dism%utcd tl~agl~t tl~ c~;~,, a school/p~ networ~ would <br /> <br /> ¢3mp~ should ~ evaluated for tl~ suitabilit7 of cl~si~n~ im~.,/vetnems to ~- <br />sclxx)l/l ia where preside. <br /> <br />or in ~ futut~. Wig-re at~prop~e, this should involve joint design ~ pluming between the <br />scl~ol s~.ems and P'~ts & l~g~on l~of~on~s. The archit~mwal program slxxtld <br />_.,s~dfic~ly s~te that t~e rumpus be d~sign~t for ~ c~m~m~ty use. <br /> <br />campus to clet~ ti= types of recreation g:tivflies pr~ermcl ~xl the f.~litics ~ to <br />~ott ~ a~ivitie~. <br /> <br />Signed rigs iq~---"day of Febms. ry, 1994. <br /> <br />Signed tlgs/,ff~l~t"day of February. 1994. <br /> <br />B~i~ B. Alm~ Chair <br />C.~mm~s Cc~tmy ~ of EducaIion <br /> <br />Steve Little, D~'~or <br /> <br />Approved/Endorsed by Caba~-us County Board of Education <br /> on February "7, 1994 <br /> <br />2. Approved/Endorsed by Kanr~.nolis [~oard of Education .. <br /> on..~ebruary 14, 1994 <br />3. Approved/Endorsed by Cc~-r.L.~6 County Board of Comzissioners <br /> on February 21, 1994 <br /> <br /> <br />