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R. BROWN McALLISTER I~LEI~NTARY <br /> <br />29+ acres in'central Concord. <br />Near Les Myers Park. <br /> <br />Current inventorv: <br /> <br />2 playgrounds. <br />I outdoor basketball court. <br /> <br />I soccer field (small). <br />Nature trail, 1/2-mile. <br /> <br />No restrooms, concessions, <br />or water. <br /> <br />Road access limited. <br />Parkln~ inadequate for <br /> current school use. <br />Walkways lacking. <br /> <br />Steep grade, 25-30% and up. <br /> <br />(Possible connection via utility right-of-way.) <br /> <br />Comunity comments <br /> <br />Upgrade playgrounds. <br />Renovate basketball court. <br />Add basketball court. <br /> <br />Expand and upgrade trail. <br />4 picnic tables. <br /> <br />Add restrooms, fountain. <br /> <br />Athletic fields are needed, <br />but cost to build them on <br />this site would be <br />prohibitively expensiwe, due <br />to grade. <br /> <br />Woods area is viewed as <br />current unsafe, but holding <br />great potential for park <br />development. <br /> <br />Walkways, <br /> <br />~/2 mile. <br /> <br />Nature trail could be <br />expanded. Buffer would be <br />needed along adjacent <br />residential areas. <br /> <br />Bird habitat. <br /> <br />Museum of N.C. history, with <br />vandal protection. <br /> <br />Cabin on knoll at back of <br />property for educational and <br />community use. <br /> <br />Garden plots could be <br />cleared for school and <br />community use. <br /> <br /> <br />