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Recreation acreage: <br /> <br />3-4 acres, landlocked. <br /> <br />Current inventory: <br /> <br />i playground. <br />i outdoor basketball court. <br /> <br />New multipurpose room. <br /> <br />No restrooms, concessions, <br />or water. <br /> <br />Repair, expand playground. <br />Repair basketball court, add <br /> additional court. <br /> <br />2 youth baseball fields <br /> (major grading required). <br /> 2 tennis courts. <br /> Trail, 1/2-mile. <br /> 4 picnic tables. <br /> <br />Add restrooms, concessions, <br /> water. <br /> <br />Community <br /> <br />Add balance beom~, etc. <br />Multipurpose p~ved areas for <br /> <br /> basketball and other uses. <br />Possible relocation of paved <br /> areas. <br /> <br />Tennis courts.. <br />Trail. ~ <br /> <br />Restrooms, water. <br /> <br />Road access satisfactory. <br />Parking satisfactory. <br />No walkways. <br /> <br />Needed renovations should receive priority, to make existing recreation areas safe and <br />practical for school and community use. <br /> <br />Ballfields Would require major grading and, thus, expense. <br /> <br /> <br />