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Resolution Concerning <br />Protection of Parental Rights Over <br />Care and Education of Their Children <br /> <br /> Whereas, the law of North Carolina gives the Department of Social Services <br />(DSS) the right, at taxpayers expense, to enter a public school for the purpose of <br />interrogating children, without the knowledge and consent of their parent(s) or <br />without the presence of school administrators in whose care and safety the parents <br />have placed their children. <br /> <br /> And Whereas, DSS from another county without notification to the Cabarrus <br />County DSS entered on Thursday, November 7th a private school in Cabarrus <br />County in violation of om' constitution and certain parental authority and fights to <br />interrogate these parents' children under false, libelous and 'anonymons <br />information. Only by the brave action of their thirteen year old son were the <br />parents notified of this government trampling on their parental authority. <br /> <br /> Therefore, Be It Resolved, that in Cabarrus County the Department of Social <br />Services be prohibited from entering a public or private school building or day <br />care center to interview (interrogate) any children without either the parents <br />v,~'itten consent or a criminal court order. That school and day care officials be <br />directed to protect the children under their temporary supervision and care from <br />any governmental or other force that seeks to abuse the God given rights of the <br />parent in educating and caring for their children. <br /> <br /> Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to our legislative <br />delegation so that they may change the law in North Carolina to eliminate this <br />violation of basic parental rights and authority. And that, a copy be sent to all <br />other county commissions in the state, so that they too may address this issue <br />within their counties. <br /> <br /> <br />