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CANON THREE <br />A County Commissioner Shall Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance <br />of Impropriety in All His or Her Activities <br /> <br />It is essential that county government attract those citizens best qualified and willing to <br />serve. County commissioners have legitimate interests - economic, professional and <br />vocational - of a private nature. County commissioners shall not be denied, and shall not <br />deny to other county commissioners or citizens, the opportunity to acquire, retain and <br />pursue private interests, economic 'or otherwise, except when conflicts with their <br />responsibility to the public cannot be avoided. County commissioners must exercise their <br />best judgement to determine when this is the case. <br /> <br />County commissioners shall respect and comply with the law and shall conduct <br />flaemselves at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity of the <br />office of county commissioner and of county govemment. <br /> <br />County commissioners shall not allow family, social, or other relationships to unduly <br />influence their conduct or judgement and shall not lend the prestige of the office of county <br />commissioner to advance the private interests of others; nor shall they convey or permit <br />others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence them. <br /> <br /> CANON FOUR <br />A County Commissioner Shall Perform the Duties <br />of the Office Diligently <br /> <br />County commissioners shall, while perforating the duties of the office as prescribed by law, give <br />precedence to these duties over other activities. In the performance of these duties, the following <br />standards shall apply: <br /> <br />A. Legislative Responsibilities. <br /> <br />County commissioners shall actively pursue policy goals they believe to be in the best <br />interests ofthek constituents within the parameters of orderly decision-making, rules <br />of the Board of County Commissioners and open government. <br /> <br />County commissioners shall respect the legitimacy of the goals and interests of other <br />county commissioners and shall respect the rights of others to pursue goals and <br />policies different from their own. <br /> <br />B. Adjudicative Responsibilities. <br /> <br />County commissioners shall be faithful to the general and local laws pertaining to the <br />office and strive for professional competence in them. They shall be unswayed by <br />partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism. <br /> <br /> <br />