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CANON FIVE <br />A County Commissioner Shall Conduct the Affairs of the Board <br />in an Open and Public Manner <br /> <br />County commissioners must be aware of the letter and intent of the State's Open Meetings Law, and <br />conduct the affairs of the Board of County Commissioners consistent with the letter and spirit of that <br />law and consistent with the need to inspire and maintain public confidence in the integrity and fairness <br />of county govemment and the orifice of county commissioner. Consistent with this goal of preserving <br />public trust, county commissioners should be aware of the need for discretion in deliberations when <br />the lack of discretion would pose a threat to the resources of the county, to the reputation of current <br />or potential county employees, to orderly and responsible decision-making, to the integrity of other <br />governmental processes or to other legitimate interests of the county. <br /> <br /> CANON SIX <br />A County Commissioner Shall Regulate His or Her <br />Extra-Governmental Activities to Minimize the Risk of Conflict <br />With His or Her Official Duties <br /> <br />County commissioners shall inform themselves concerning campaign finance, conflict of <br />interest and other appropriate state and federal laws and shall scrupulously comply with the <br />provisions of such laws. <br /> <br />County commissioners shall refrain from financial and business dealings that tend to reflect <br />adversely on the Board or on county govemment or to interfere with the proper performance <br />of official duties. <br /> <br />County commissioners shall manage their personal financial interests to minimize the number <br />of cases in which they must ask to be excused from voting on matters coming before the <br />Board. <br /> <br />Information acquired by county commissioners in their official capacity shall not be used or <br />disclosed in financial dealings or for any other purpose not related to official duties. <br /> <br /> CANON SEVEN <br />A County Commissioner Shall Refrain from Political Activity <br />Inappropriate to His or Her Office <br /> <br />County commissioners have a civic responsibility to support good government by every <br />available means, to continue to inform and educate the citizenry about the afl'airs and <br />processes of county government, and to make themselves available to citizens of the county <br />so that they may ascertain and respond to the needs of the community. In doing so, county <br />commissioners may and should join or affiliate with civic organizations whether partisan or <br />non-partisan, may and should attend political meetings, may and should advocate and support <br />the principles or policies of civic or political organizations consistent with the Constitution <br />and laws of the United States and North Carolina. <br /> <br /> <br />