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Ol,'lO/g$ 09:14 91 91g 733 1085 NCACC <br /> <br /> ,/ <br />ADOPTED AT NCA. CC LEGTSLA. TIVE GOALS <br />CONFERENCE ON JANUARY 5-6, 1995 <br /> <br /> PROPOSED GOALS - 1995 <br /> HLIWAN SERVICES <br />Consolidated Human Services <br />$~k leg/slatioll to repeal the population limitation of G.S.153A-77 that preven~ counties from choosing <br />to consolidate human ~rvices programs. <br /> <br />Funding for Public'Health Services <br />Support add/t/onal funds to provide comprehensive health services to disadvantaged children, such funds <br />to be distributed in accordance with the public health equity funding policy. <br /> <br />Schoql Health Services <br />Support the appropriation of state funds in ~ccordance with [he Basic F.x!uc~tion Program to provide school <br />health nurses, with funds to be allocated ba~exi on a collaborativel¥ written plan developed by the local <br />health depattmen~ and the local education agency. <br /> <br />Cex~fficat~ of Need <br />The Association will oppose any attempts to remove home health ~rvices from the requirements of the <br />Certificate of Need process. <br /> <br />5. Health Care Refq.rm <br /> Support health care reform legislation that in¢orporate~ the following principles: <br /> <br />(A) ,A reforme~ he~.lth care syst*m must guarantee every citizen quality compmh,~lsive health cate services <br /> that emphasize disease prevent/on, health promotion and improved health status. <br /> <br />(B)OA reformed health care system should be financed throu~da the privam sector. <br /> <br />(c) ,The redasigned state health care system must azsure that necessa~ services are available in all parts of <br /> the state, including rural and urban areas that now are under-served. <br /> <br />(D).The important role of public health agenci~ as providers of care and public health services must be <br /> recognized and must be an inte~'al part of the system, by funding public health functions and COmm,mlty- <br /> based prevention ~rv'ices. <br /> <br />(E)'All health esre providers, both public and private mu~ be held accountable for the outcomes of the <br /> system and mus~ be given the tools to be accountable at state and local levels. <br /> <br />Add/fional Funddn~ for Mental Health So. ices <br />Support additional state funding for f~cilit~es and services to the developmentally disabled, to the severely <br />mentally ill to children ~th mental disabilities, and to those in need of alcohol and drug abuse treatment <br />in accordance with the mue's long-range plans. <br /> <br />/ Fqgds <br />Suppor~ legistarion to appro~te ~ to :om~ns~ for ~fion~ ~cm~ ~ ~ 1~ cosu of ~e- <br />m~dm~d comm~ men~ h~l~, h~ ~d s~i~ se~{c~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <br /> <br />Automaton ~h~cements <br />Sup~ ~propfi~o~ m enhance ~e autom~on cap~es of ~e state ~d co.ties when such <br />enhnncCmen~ ~ comismnt ~ plus, pro~s md objectives adopt~ by ~e Hum~ S~ices <br />Automation Pohcy ~d planning Co~cfl, <br /> <br /> <br />