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01/10/9~ 09:15 '~1 9L9 733 106~ NCACC <br /> <br />PROPOSED GOALS - 1995 <br /> PUBLIC ~]3UCATION <br /> <br />~005 <br /> <br />Sal~ Tax for School Capi..t,31 Needs <br />Seek legislation to authorize counties to enact a local option sales tax for school capital ue~ls, <br /> <br />.County/School Boa. rd Dispute R~olution <br />Sock legislatior~ to modify the procedures for resolution of funding disputes between Boards of County <br />Commissioners and Education, and to m._~ke i~ clear that only Boaxds of County Commissioners have the <br />discretion to call for school bond elections as provided ia G.S. 159-4g(c)(4) in the Local Government <br />Bond Act. <br /> <br />Scl]egl Bus Replacement <br /> Support legislation to continue full state funding of the schedule for replacement of school buses, inclha~ng <br /> over-age buses. <br /> <br />F'undin~r for Exceptional Children Pr. o,~'arns <br />Support legislation to remove statutory caps on state ftmdlng for exceptional children's progr~m~. <br /> <br />County Condomnafion of S.chool Sites <br />Support legislation to allow counties to act as the condemnation agent when acquiring sites for joint us~ <br />by school boards and other public agencies. <br /> <br />Condemnation for School Prooerty <br />Seek legisl~ition to raise the cap on the size of sites for which the local Board of Education can condemn <br />property for schools. <br /> <br />School Malnrenaoce Workers <br />Seek leg~slat/on to provide state funding to p.ay school moLutenance workers in light of the <br />responsibility for current expense fu~diag ia public education. <br /> <br />State Funding <br />Support legisla~on to maintain stat~ educational expenditures, as follows: <br /> <br />(,~) .statewide funding ~o improve early childhood education; <br />(B) .support for the state's community colleges and technical institutes, to remedy adult illiteracy and provide <br /> technical preparation for our future work f~rce; <br />(C) .full state funding of the Basic Edueario~ Program, with p~ority being given to class s~ze reduction; <br />(D) -full smr~ funding of the Low Wealth Supplemental Fuvd~g Program and the sm~ll Schooh Func[; and <br />(E) ,continued state funding o¢ the Critical Needs Fund. <br /> <br />9. School Emvlove~ Salaries <br /> Support legislation to assure- that the state m~iutains '~ sequential saltay schedule for all school employees. <br /> <br /> <br />