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ALLIED SPECIALTY INSURANCE, INC, <br /> 10451 BuLl DouLevard <br />Treasure IsLand, FL 33?06 <br />ToLL Free 1-800-237-33~5~ National <br /> 1-800-282-6776 FLor ida <br /> <br />CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE <br /> FIREWORKS tq ISF'LAY <br /> <br /> NAME & ADDRESS OF INSURED ADDITIONAL INSURED <br /> S. Vlta[e Pyrotechnics Ind <br /> DBA~ Pyr otecni co Corp. <br /> P.O. Box 149 <br /> New CastLe, PA 16103 <br /> <br /> PBII~GBY.. GO~EIg~nE EXGE;~S_CD~2EB~QE ....................... <br /> <br /> COMPANY= Elgemag!s_Eug~ ...... El[ema.D_s_Eu~d .................................... <br /> <br />~OLICY NUMBER~ ..... EB&Q~iQQ .................. ~&QQ~ ................................................... <br /> LIABILITY LIMITt <br /> <br /> Excess of Excess <br /> <br /> CLass B Products $1,OOO,OOOCSL .... ~1~QQ~E ......... ~ ................... <br /> POLICY PER IOD~ <br /> <br /> n l'l'~e ~ [ charge in, or cancel Lation of said policy(Les), <br /> he C:om d o give written notice tothe party whom ~his cer- <br />tificate is issued, but failure to give s~ch notice shaLL impose no LiabiLity <br /> or obLiga~io~ upon the Company. <br /> NAME & ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER; DATE OF DISPLAY= ~!Z~_~995 <br />- Carolina Mall RAiN DATE; <br /> DISPLAY AMOUNT= <br /> 1480 US Highway 29No~th LOCATION OF DISPLAY: <br /> Concord, NC 28025 Carolina Mall P~operts, Concord No~th Carolina <br />'~t is a condition of toe policy that aLI displays be repol-ted to t~e Co~npar~y <br /> ;.4 hours in advance of the display date. <br />r;is ce~-tificate neither affirmatively nor negatively amends, extends or alters <br />he ~:overage afforded by the poLicy(Les) described hereon. NOTE; In the event <br />~at rain o~- imcLement weather prohibits this display, coverage wiLL apply <br />on a subse.iuent date on which the dispLay is held, within the terms of the <br />oLic:y co;,t~-act. CLeanup and policing of the display are the i-espo~sibi LiLy <br />f The spo~sors. <br />~e foL LowlRg are additionaL insureds; any fait', orexhtbitlon, associatio~ <br />spoT, s;or Lng organization or committee~ the owner or Lessee of any premises used <br />by lhe Named Insured, or any public authority gra~ting a permit to the Named <br /> nm~;red, but only as respects accidents arising outof negligence of the <br /> amed Insured ol- the Named Insured's employees acting tn the course and scope <br /> ~f .[.heir- employment. ALso, as additional Named Insured, any Independent Con- <br /> trac'?o~- who fires the display on behalf of the Named Insured. This insurance <br /> 'oas not apply to any failure to po[ice or cleanup the display, or LiabiLity <br /> ~"is~ing there from. <br />?his certificate ts not valid unless an original signature appears (Copies Not VaLid) <br /> <br /> Oovmrage ~lnder the policy is conditioned upon fu[[ compliance by alt insureds <br />~i th a LL appLicabLe National Fire ~'rotectio~ Associatio~ (NFF'A) codes and <br /> st a,,dards in effect at the time of the di~pL~y,~,~ ~ ~~, <br /> <br /> <br />