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[CA8AI~RUS COUNPrI <br /> N Oi{ll~ rAl~OiiN~ <br /> <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />DATE: <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />John Witherspoon, County Mana~~, <br />Jim Cook, Social Services Directt~_~/~/v <br />s47-gs (/ <br />Attached Budget Amendment Reques'f <br /> <br /> Attached is a budget amendment request which I am asking the Board of <br />Commissioners to consider at its earliest opportunity. No additional appropriation of <br />County funding is requested. Revenues are affected. <br /> <br /> This amendment request essentially provides for normal year-end line item <br />adjustments to cover requirements in programs. Of particular significance is the need to <br />provide additional funding to cover Medicaid, Child Foster Care, and AFDC-Emergency <br />Assistance costs. I have also included an adjustment of $23,702 to provide for purchase <br />of the following equipment items: 1) Three unbudgeted and previously unrequested pc's <br />for the JOBS Program for which the State will provide 100% reimbursement after <br />receiving Federal approval and authorizing local purchases; 2) Equipment and software to <br />support imaging which we did not include in our FY96 budget request but have recently <br />decided we will need as we attempt to create "papedess" record systems; and 3) Key-pad <br />door locks for building entrances which were included in our FY96 budget request on the <br />recommendation of our Safety Committee but which our staff has urged us to proceed as <br />quickly as possible in installing. <br /> <br /> This amendment request provides for all adjustments to revenues which I can <br />identify as needed. In discussing this amendment request with the Finance Officer, he <br />suggested I send our revenue projections to him. I have forwarded a copy to his office for <br />review. <br /> <br /> Please advise me of any additional information I need to provide. <br /> <br />Thank you. <br /> <br />Blair Bennett <br />John Day <br /> <br /> Department of Social Services <br />Box 668 · Concord. NC 28026-06~8 * (704) 786-7141 <br /> <br /> <br />