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Tischler & <br />Associates, Inc. <br /> <br />4701 Sansarnore Road <br />Suite N210 <br /> Bethesda, MD 20816 <br /> (301) 320-6900 <br /> Fax: (301) 320-4860 <br /> <br />139 S. Oranse Drive <br />Los ^nseles, CA 90036 <br />(213) 935-2350 <br /> Fax: (213) 93S-4047 <br /> <br /> (800) 424-4318 <br /> <br /> Fiscal Impacl Analysis <br /> <br /> Capilal Facility Analysis <br /> ?mpacl Fee Systems <br /> <br />Growlh Policy Ptannin8 <br />conomic and Marke! Ana~ysls <br /> <br />MUNIES, FISCALS & CRUv~ <br />Fiscal impact SySlems <br />tailored Io~ each community <br /> <br />May 17, 1995 <br /> <br />Gerald A. Newton <br />Planning & Development <br />Area Manager <br />Cabarrus County Planning, Zoning <br />& Building Inspection Dept. <br />P.O. Box 707 <br />65 Church Street <br />Concord, NC 20825 <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Newton: <br /> <br />It is our pleasure to submit this proposal for fiscal impact analysis and growth <br />financing plan activities. There are several points we would like to note which <br />we believe are important to the success of this project. <br /> <br />1. We Have Unsurpassed Fiscal Impact Consulting Experience. In brief, <br />Tischler & Associates, Inc. (TA) has more fiscal impact consulting experience <br />than any other firm in the country. We me full-time consultants focusing on <br />fiscal and related economic evaluations, including capital facility forecasting, <br />revenue strategies as well as impact fees and other exactions. As noted further <br />below, we focus on the case study-marginal cost fiscal impact approach since this <br />is acknowledged to be, and is, the most accurate methodology for reflecting a <br />community's uniqueness. This is especially true if one uses subareas (i.e., fiscal <br />analysis zones). It is also important to note that we will design and use one of <br />our fiscal impact systems in this effort. TA has designed, developed and utilized <br />the most successful, comprehensive, flexible and easy to use systems in the <br />counu'y. <br /> <br />2. We Offer An Extensive Background in Growth Management and Financing <br />Techniques. The other member of our team is Douglas Porter, president of the <br />Growth Management Institute. Mr. Porter is a nationally recognized authority on <br />techniques of growth management. He is currently authoring two books on this <br />topic, Profiles in Growth Management, for the Urban Land Institute, and <br />Managing Growth in Urban Areas, for Island Press. He has also worked for both <br />the public and private sectors through the Growth Management Institute, a <br />nonprofit institute focusing on growth management issues and concerns. This <br />extensive experience together with TA's broad financing experience will be very <br />beneficial in this assignment. <br /> <br />3. .Qur Approach to the Work Scope is Realistic as Well as Comprehensive. <br />We could utilize several fiscal impact methodologies. These include the average- <br /> <br /> <br />