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I. OBJECTIVES <br /> <br />Because of its burgeoning growth, Cabarms County needs to document the infrastructure <br />needed due to growth, and to plan for its financing. In addition, the County would like <br />to consider the fiscal impacts of different densities and different subareas. These include <br />an urban service area, a transition area and an agrarian area. By the conclusion of this <br />study, the consultants will rank and recommend alternative solutions to address the public <br />service demands and associated fiscal impacts to the County. <br /> <br />II. EXPERIENCE <br /> <br />The categories from the RFP are discussed in turn under this topic. <br /> <br />A. Team Qualifications <br /> <br />TA is a fiscal, economic and planning consulting firm with a national practice. <br />The majority of TA's work pertains to evaluations of land use plans, with a focus <br />on market, economic and fiscal considerations. For example, TA provided the <br />market, economic and fiscal evaluations for the Howard County, Maryland <br />General Plan, which won a national APA award for comprehensive planning. In <br />addition to comprehensive plan evaluations, TA has also analyzed the impacts of <br />the same amount of housing in different spatial distributions. This was the case <br />in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. There we analyzed the fiscal impacts of three <br />alternatives with the same number of housing units, but with different densities. <br />Also in Lancaster County, we evaluated the fiscal impacts of agricultural <br />preservation. <br /> <br />One of the key components of TA's work process is the design of TA's fiscal <br />impact systems for the application. TA's fiscal impact systems are the most <br />comprehensive, successful and widely used in the country. These systems focus <br />on the case study-marginal cost approach. As such, they consider a number of <br />variables, including nonfiscal aspects such as mobile emissions and runoff by type <br />of surface. These systems will enable the workscope discussed below to be <br />concluded in the relatively short timeframe. Another reason why the workscope <br />can be met within the timeframe is TA's focus on similar evaluations to that <br />requested in this RFP. <br /> <br />We are pleased to have Douglas Porter, President of The Growth Management <br />Institute, on our team. As a growth management advisor and planning and <br />development consultant, Doug has national experience on how many of the factors <br />noted in Attachment I affect growth and what implementation strategies work. <br /> <br />Our team qualifications are presented in Appendix I. <br /> <br />Tischler & Associates, <br /> <br /> <br />