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AaTZCLS 16. <br /> County Listing, Appraisal, and Assessing O~cials. <br /> <br />§ 105-294. County assessor. <br /> <br /> ia) Appointment. m Persons occupying the position of county <br />_~or on July I, 1983, shall continue in office until the first Mon- <br />day in July, 1983. At i~ first regular meeting in July, 1983, and <br />every two years or four years thereal~er, as appropriate, the board <br />of county commissioner~ of each county shall appoint a county as- <br />__~*~r to serve a term of not lees than two nor more than fou~ years; <br />provided, however, that no person shall be eligible for initial ap- <br />pointment U~ a term of more than two years unless such pemOn is <br />deemed to be qualified as provided in ~ul~ection Cb) of thls section <br />or has been certified By the Department of Revenue as provided in <br />sub,,orion it) of this section. The board of commissioners may re- <br />move the assesasr from office during his term for ~ cau~ al'~r <br />d~ him notice in writing and an opportunity to appear and be <br />at a public session of the board. Whenever a vacancy ocoum <br />in this office, the board of county commission'em shall appoint a <br />qualified person to serve as county assessor for the period of the <br />unexpired term. <br /> lbl Persons who held the position of as.sesaor on July 1, 1971, and <br />continue. :o hold the position, and persons who have been certified <br />for appom:ment as assessor by the Depar~nent of Revenue between <br />July 1, 1971, ~nd July 1, 1983, are deemed to be qualified to serve <br />as county a.s.,esser. Any other person seIected to serve as county <br />asses~r must meet the follovang requirement, s: <br /> (1) B~ at least 21 years of age as of the date of appointment; <br /> (2) Hold a hil~h school diploma or certificate of equivalency, or <br /> in the alternative, have five year~ employment experienc~ <br /> in a vocation which is reasonably rela/ed to the duties ora <br /> <br /> (3) Within two years of the date of appointment, achieve a <br /> passing score in courses of imstruction approved by the De- <br /> partment of Revenue covering the following topics: <br /> a, The laws of North Carolina governing the listing, ap- praisal, and as.sessment of property for taxation; <br /> b. The theory and practice of estimating the fair m~rket <br /> value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes; <br /> c, The theory and practice of estimating the fair market <br /> value of tan~,ible and intangible personal proper~:y for <br /> ad valorem tax purposes; and <br /> d. Proper:y a_~es~ment adm/n/stration. <br /> (4) Upon completion of the required four courses, achieve a <br /> pa_~sing tt~. de in a comprehensive exam/nation in property <br /> tax administration conducted by the Department of Reve- <br /> nue. <br /> (ti Certification. ~ Per, ns meeting all of the requirements of <br />this section shall be certified by the Department of Revenue. From <br />the date of appointment until the date of certification, persons <br />poi.nted to se.rye as county assessor are deemed to be serving in an <br />acting capacity. Any person who fails to qualify within two yearn <br />al~r the date of initial appointment shall not be eligible for reap- <br />pointment until all of the requiremen~ have been met. <br /> id) in order to re~ain the position of county assessor, every person <br />serving as county assassor, including those persons deemed to be <br />qualified under the provisions of this act, shall, in each period of 24 <br />months, attend at [east 30 hours of instruction in the appraisal or <br />assessment of property as provided in regulations of the Depart. <br />ment of Revenue. <br /> la) The compensation and expenses of the county aaaessor shall <br />be determinec[ by the board of county commissioners. <br /> Iff Alternative to separate office of county assessor. ~ Pursuant <br />to Act [.M'~iclel VI, Section 9 of the North Carolina Constitution, <br />the office of county assessor is hereby declared to bo an office that <br />may be held concurrently with any other appointive or elective <br />office except that of member of the b~ard of county commiseionem. <br />i1939, c. 310, ss. 400. 401; 1953, c. 970. ss. I, 2; 1971, c. 806, s. 1; <br />1973, c. 476, s. 193; 1983, c. 813, s. 2: 1987, c. 45, ss. 1, 2.) <br /> <br /> A2TICLE 26. <br /> Collection and Foreclosure oF Taxes, <br /> <br /> § 105-349. Appointment, term, qu~llRcations, and <br /> bond of tax collectors and deputies. <br /> (a) appo, intme.n.t .~.d T.e ,r~,. --.The ~overninl~ body or <br /> county ann munzcipattty snail appoint a tax collector on or bet'om <br /> July 1, 1971, ~ serve for a term to be determined by the appointh~ <br /> ..[~.y...a:n. d ~un?fl h!s suet.assr has been a, ppoint.-,~ and qu~lifiec~ <br /> onui t?e,urst SUCh .ap~o, mtments are mane, county and municipal <br /> ,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t,t~es .snail be..celiac .t~. by_the tax collect~,r~ presently serving <br /> ue.r. prior provisions o! la.w. '[.~e governin~ ~ody may remove tl/e tax <br /> coll,ect~.r ~ro.m .office clunng his terns, for I~ cause after ~iving hhn <br /> no~i,c.e In .writing and an op. port~l.mty to appear and be hear~[ a~ · <br /> pu hc sexton of the governm~ body. No hearing shall be required, <br /> however, ~fthe ~ c,o!lec~r~is removed for failin/: to meet the pre- <br /> requisites prescn~ea oy ~,,a. I05-352(b) for delivery of the tax re- <br /> ceipts. Unless other~viseprovided by G.S. 105-373, whenever any <br /> vacancy occurs in this office, the governing body shall appoint a <br /> quahfied person to serve as tax collector for the period of the unex- <br /> pired term. <br /> (b) (~ualifications. -- The ~overnin$ body shall appoint as tax <br /> collector a person of character and integrity whose experience in <br /> busin? and co, l, lection work is sa~isfactoty to the governing b~ly. <br /> (c.! .~ona,. 77. ,ac ~ collec~or shall be allowed to be~in his duties <br /> until ne ana~l nave furnished bond conditioned upon his honesty <br /> and faith~.l performance in such amount as the governin~ body <br /> may prescribe. A ~ax collector shall not be permitted u) collect any <br /> taxes not covered b.y his bond, nor shall a tax collector be I~.rmitted <br /> to continue collecting taxes al~er his Bond has expired wathout re- <br /> newal. <br /> id) Compensation. -- The compensation and expense allowances <br /> of the t~ax collector shall be fixed by the $overning body. <br /> (e) Alternative to Separate Office of Tax Collector. m Pursuant <br /> to Article VI, Sec. 9, of the North Carolina Constitution, the office <br /> of tax collector is hereby declared to be an office chat may be held <br /> concurrently with any appointive er elective office other than those <br /> hereinafter designated, and the ~overning body may appoint as tax <br /> col actor any appointive or elect~ve officer who meets the personal <br />and bonding requirements established by this section. A member of <br />the governing l~xiy ora ~axing u~it may not be appeint~d tax collec- <br />tor, nor may the duties of the office be cord'erred upon him. A per~n <br />appointe<l or elected as the treasurer or chief accounting officer of a <br />taxing unit may not be appointed tax collector, nor may the dutie~ <br />ofthe office of'tax collector be conferred upon him except with the <br />written permiseion of the secretary of the Local Government Com- <br />mission who, before givins his permission, shall satisfy himself chat <br />the unit's internal control procedures are sufficient t~ prevent <br />proper handling of public funds. <br /> if) Deputy Ta.~ Collectors. -- The governing body ora county or <br />municipality is authorized co appoint one or more deputy lox collec- <br />tors and to establish their terms of office, compensation, and bond- <br />ing requirement. A deputy tax collector shall have authority to <br />verform, under the direction of the tax collector, any act that the <br />tax collector may perform unlesa the governin~ body appointin~ the <br />deputy specifically limi:s the scope of the deputy's authority. <br />, I,~) Oath. ---~Ever}, tax .collector and deputy tax collector, as the <br />~oiaer o~an omc. e, snail take the oath required by Article VI. § ? of <br />cae ..Nort.h Carohna ConstiCut on with the following phrase added to <br />it: ~tnat t will not allow my actions as tax collector to b~ niluenced <br />by personal or p~litical fr/endships or obligations,~. The oath must <br />.b?~led with the clerk of the governing body of the taxing uni~. <br />(i~9, c. 310, ss. 1701, 1702; 1957, c. 537; 1971, c. 806, s. 1; 1991, ~ <br />II0, s. 6; 1991 (Reg. Sees., 1992), c. 1007, s. 23.) <br /> <br /> <br />