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GE~ ASSEMtlL¥ OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> 1 Sec. 9.3. (a) Funds appropriated in this act to the Housing Finance <br /> 2 Agency for the federal HOMIE Program shall be used to match federal funds <br /> 3 appropriated for the HOME Program. In allocating State funds app'ropriated to <br /> 4 match federal HOME Program funds, the Agency shall give priority to HOME <br /> 5 Program projects, as follows: <br />6 (1) First priority to projects that are located in counties designated as <br />7 severely distressed counties under G.S. 105-130.40(c) or G.S. 105- <br />8 151.17¢); and <br />9 (2) Second priority to projects that benefit persons and families whose <br />10 incomes are fifty percent (50%) or less of the median family <br />11 income for the local area, with adjustments for family size, <br />12 according to the latest figures available from the U.S[ Department <br />13 of Housing and Urban Development. <br />14 The Housing Finance Agency shall report to the Joint Legislative <br />15 Commission on Governmental Operations by April 1 of each year concerning the <br />16 status of the HOME Program and sball include in the report infm','-ation on priorities <br />17 met, types of activities funded, and types of activities not funded. <br />18 (b) tf the United States Congress changes the HOME Program such that <br />19 matching funds are not required for a given program year, then the Agency shall not <br />20 spend the matching funds appropriated under this act for that program year. <br />21 (c) Funds appropriated in this act to match federal HOME Program <br />22 funds shall not revert to the General Fund on June 30, 1996, or on June 30, 1997. <br />23 <br /> 24 Requested by: Senators Warren, Davis, Representatives Ives, Lemmond, Culpepper <br /> 25 COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENT FUNDS <br />26 Sec. 9.4. (a) Of the funds appropriated in this act to the Office of State <br />27 Planning, eight hundred six-cy-four thousand two hundred seventy dollars ($864,270) <br />28 for the 1995-96 fiscal year and eight hundred sixty-four thousand two hundred <br />29 seventy, dollars ($864,270) for the 1996-97 fiscal year shall only be used as provided <br />30 by this section. Each regional council of government or lead regional orgamZation is <br />3i ailocated up to forty~eight thousand fifteen dollars ($48,015) for each fiscal year, with <br />32 the actual amount calculated as provided in subsection (b) of this section. <br />33 (b) The funds shall be allocated as follows: A share of the ms, mum <br /> 34 rorer-eight thousand fifteen dollars ($48,015) each fiscal year shall be allocated to <br /> 35 each countw, and smaller city based on the most recent annual estimate of the Office <br /> 36 of State Budget and Management of the population of that county (less the <br /> 37 population of any larger city within that county) or smaller city, divided by the sum <br /> 38 of the total population of the region (Iess the population of larger cities w/ that <br /> 39 re,on) and the total population of the region living in smaller cities. Those funds <br /> 40 shall be paid to the regional council of government for the region in which that city <br /> 41 or county is located upon receipt by the Office of State Planning of a resolution of <br /> 42 the governing board of the county or city requesting release of the funds. If any city <br /> 43 or county does not so request payment of funds by June 30 of a State fiscal year, that <br /> 44 share of the allocation for that fiscal year shall revert to the General Fund. <br />45 (c) A regional council of government may use funds appropriated by this <br /> 46 section only to assist local governments in grant applications, economic development, <br /> 47 community, development, support of local industr/al development activities, and other <br />48 activities ~s deemed appropriate by the member governments. <br />49 (d) Funds appropriated by this section may not be used for pa.'rrnent of, <br />50 dues or assessments by the member governments and may not supplant funds <br />51 appropriated by the member governments. <br /> <br />Page 14 House Bill 229 <br /> <br /> <br />