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ChapterTi~ree * Establishment of Zones <br /> <br />Agriculture, excluding livestock <br />Family care home <br />Group care facility <br />Single family detached residential <br /> <br />Permitte'd based on Standards (PBS) <br /> <br /> Accessory. apartment <br /> Agriculture, including livestock <br /> Bank/financial institution/ATM <br />;Bed and breakfast Cemetery. <br /> Civic organization facHi .ty <br /> Convenience store with petroleum sales <br /> Convenience store without petroleum sales <br /> Gas station <br /> Home occupation <br /> Home occupation, rural <br /> Kennel, private <br /> Landfill, demolition (one acre or less) <br /> Mobile home class I <br /> Mobile office, temporary. <br /> Nursery/daycare <br /> Nursery/greenhouse <br /> Public cultural facili .fy <br /> Religious institution (total seating capaci .ty 350 or less) <br /> Rest/convalescent home with 10 beds or less <br /> Restaurant, excluding drive-thru <br /> Stables, commercial <br /> Townhouses <br /> <br />. .Cor~ditional Uses <br /> <br />Colleges & universities <br />Elementary. & secondary, schools <br />Public service facili .ty <br />Public use facility <br />Recreational facili .fy, outdoor <br /> <br />34 <br /> <br /> <br />