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MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />ICABARRUS COUNTrI <br /> <br />RORIII C,~R§LI NA <br /> <br />TO: <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />Gerald A. Newton. arming, Zoning, Building Inspection <br /> <br />December 17, 1993 <br /> <br />County Zoning Ordinance Text Revision; Katherine Stafford Appointment <br /> <br />At the December 16, 1993 Cabarrus County Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, the full <br />board concurred with the recommendation of the Zoning Revision Committee regarding any <br />further changes to mobile homes. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Cabarrus County <br />Planning and Zoning Commission that no further changes be made to the 1994 Zoning <br />Ordinance. It is the committee's opinion that the amendment made by the County <br />Commissioners to adjust the age limit to July 1, 1976 will work and is readily defensible and <br />needs no change. Over the next two years the Planning, Zoning and Building Inspection <br />Department will continue to carefully monitor the effect of the 1976 standard as well as contrast <br />what impact would have occurred using the 5 and 10 year age limits. If needed, a proposed text <br />amendment will be forwarded as part of the two year review called for by Section I. 17 of the <br />zoning ordinance. Therefore, unless so directed, the committee does not intend to attend the <br />January 18, 1994 Board of Commissioners meeting. Instead, we submit the above mentioned <br />position. <br /> <br />Upon recommendation by Bob Amos an outgoing board member, the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission unanimously voted at their December business meeting to recommend that Mrs. <br />Katherine Stafford (currently an alternate member) be named to fill the at-large membership <br />position being vacated by Bob Amos. Mrs. Stafford has dutifully served the County not only <br />as an alternate but as a member of the Zoning Revision Committee. Her insight, knowledge, <br />and thorough understanding of the 1994 Zoning Ordinance will be of significant benefit to the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission wholeheartedly <br />recommends this appointment while also recognizing your authority to make the final selection. <br /> <br />CC.' <br /> <br />Nancy Randall <br />John Witherspoon <br /> <br /> Plannino and 7onin9 Depa,qm~nt <br /> <br />PC' 20< 707 * Concord, NC 28026-0707 · Planning: (70,:) 78,c3.8 I.;i . Zc:rt~r_s: ,{70,-'} ~qp, ,..~ ~v~, z'- <br /> <br /> <br />