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A'RCD - DIVISION OF ECO,YOMIC OPPOR TUATTY TIS: 16E .0100 <br /> <br />SL'BCIIAI~'I'I'~R 161';- EMERGENCY COMMC,~iTY SERVICES <br /> i IOMELESS GRANT I)ROGRAM <br /> <br />SI.:CTION .01110- GENERAl, PROVISIONS <br /> <br /> .0101 PURPOSE OF F'ROGRA.M <br />Thc purpose of the Emergency Community Sen'ices ltomeless Grant Prol~'am is to use public re- <br />sources and pro.ams in a more coordinated manner to meet the critically urgent needs of thc homeless <br />and to provide funds to assist thc homeless with special emphasis on elderly persons, handicapped <br />persons, families with children, Native Americans and Veterans. <br /> <br />Historj' Note: Filed as a Temporary Rule Eft. December 14, 1987 )'or a Period of <br /> 150 Days to Expire on June II, 1988: <br /> Statutory Authority P.L. IO0-TD G.S. 143B-10; 1438-276; 143B-277; <br /> b~ffi June I. /958. <br /> <br /> .0102 AL'TIIORITY AND DESIGNATION <br /> (at Thc dcparlmcnt a&ninistcrs thc Emergency Community Sen'ices ltomcless.~_Grant Pro_re'am. <br />(bt Thc division has bccn dcsiL_matcd by thc sccretaW of the department to administer thc Emergency <br />ComnmniLv Services tlomclcss Grant Progxam. <br /> <br />Vow: <br /> <br />l"i[cd as a Temporao: Ruh' l:ff. December 14, 1957 For a Period of <br />1.50 Days to Ex?#'c on June II. 19,5'$; <br />StututoO' .4uthoriO' ILL. /00-?: G.S, /43B-10: 143B-276; 143B-2'7: <br />I:'l_'l: June 1, /988. <br /> <br />.ltl03 I(I.I(;IBLE AC'i'IVITII.:S <br />:\ctivitics funded under this Subchaptcr may include only lhosc projects which: <br />(1) Expand comprehensive services lo homeless individuals to provide follow-ups and long-term <br /> services ~o enable homeless individuals to make thc transition out of povcrly. <br />(2) l)rovidc assistance in obtaining social and maintenance sc~'iccs and income support services for <br /> hmnclcss individuals. <br />(3) Promote private sector and other as>i~tancc to homeless individuals. <br />(4) Provide homeless prevention assistance wlfich includes aid to any indMdual who has received a <br /> nolicc of foreclosure, eviction, or tcrrnination of utility sen'ices, i.f: <br /> (at thc inability of thc indMdual to make mortgage, rental, or utility payments is duc to a sudden <br /> reduction in income; <br /> (bt thc assistance is ncccssaD' Io avoid the foreclosure, eviction, or termination of utility scn'iccs: <br /> and <br /> (ct there is a reasonable prospect that thc indMdual will be able to resume the payments within a <br /> rea.,onablc period of time. <br /> <br />Ilistoty Vote: Fi&d as a TcmporaO' ..Dncndmcnt Elf. March 31, 1959 <br /> )'or a Period ~ lb'O Days lo Expb'e on September 26, 1989; <br /> l"i/cd as u TcmporaO' Rule Elf. December 14, 1987 <br /> t"or a Period of I$0 Days tn Expire on June Il, <br /> StatutmT Authority P.L. /00.77: G.S. /43B-10: /43B.276; <br /> /43B-2 ~7. <br /> 1:?.'/7 ./:,;w ;. ! ,~A.~'. <br /> <br />.0104 I-.I.l(;IhH.l': A(;IdNCll.2.S <br />I:ligiblc agencies lbr [:mcrgcncy Community Services I lomclcss Granl Program Funds arc: <br /> Community ..Xction ..X~cncic~ lhat arc cli~blc to receive fund5 under section 675 (el (2) (Al of thc <br /> Communitx Nc~'icc~ Block Grant Act and lhal x~crc providing sc~'iccs to meet iht cnticall> urgent <br /> ncctl, of homeless individuals as of JanuaU 1. 19S7. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />.\'OR 1'1I C..I R OL I.V..t .4 D.1 ll.\'lS I'R.-I Tit ')i (,'ODE 04/05/89 PaA, e I <br /> <br /> <br />