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?04?889820 CABARRUS CO. MGRS. OFC 3~8 P03 OCT 31 '94 16:5G <br /> <br />§ ~60A-.6~ <br /> <br />CH. 160A. CITIES AND TOWNS § 160A-'269 <br /> <br />exercise of it~ discretion in determining <br />the meaa.~ fi~r selling, at publLc auction, <br />pareel~ Of land acquired by ~orec~osure of <br />t~x and a~root a~ses~ment <br />ploy a real eatgte agent upon commie- <br /> <br />s!on to obtain a responalble bidder at the <br />sale to bid a s~m sufl~cienf; to protect the <br />munlclpaiity's interest. Cody P,~alty & <br />M%. Co. v. City or' Winston-Salem, <br />N.C. 72~, ~ S.E.~d ~0~ <br /> <br />OPINIONS OF ATTORNEY GENERAL <br /> <br /> Municipality may not convey real <br />estate to a nomprofit corpora'don <br />without consldera~ion so tha~ said <br />property may be restored as an historic <br /> <br />-qte. See ophlion of Attornoy General to <br />Mr. KyI~. Hayes. North Wilkesboro <br />Town At~:rn~y, 40 N.C.A.G. 500 (1969), <br />Issued under former ~ 180-5$. <br /> <br />§ le.,OA-267. Private sale. <br />When the council proposes to dispose of property by private sale, <br />it shall at a regular council meeting adopt a resolution or order <br />authorizin~ an appropriate city official to dispose of the property by <br />private .... ~e at a negotiated prier. The resolution or order shall <br />ia .... ~.e property to be sold and may, but need not, specify a <br />~: ,'.mm price, A notice summarizing the contents of the re~olu- <br />tion or ordor shall be published once after irs adoption, and no sale <br />$hall 0e consummated thereunder until 10 days after its publica- <br />tion. (1971, c. 698, s. l; !979, 2nd Sess., c- 1247, s. 24.) <br /> <br /> Local Modification. -- Mecklenburg: <br />1981. c. 510; town of Wake Forest: 1957. <br />c. 160. <br /> <br />§ 160A-268. Advertisement for sealed bids. <br /> The sale of property by adve~iseme, nt for sealed bids shall be <br />do~e in the manner prescribed bv :aw for the purchase of pronerty, <br />ex,apt that in the case of real p['opertv the advertisement fo~' bids <br />shallbe begun not less than 30 days b~fore the date fixed for open. <br />lng bids. il971, c. 698, s. 1,) <br /> <br />§ 160A.269. Negotiated offer, advertisement, and <br /> upset bids, <br /> A city ma: receive, solicit. ~r negottate an offer to purchase prop- <br />~rt.x. and advertise it tbr Ul?et bids, When an offer is made and the <br />coutxcil proposes :.o accept ,t, ~he council shall require the offeror to <br />deposit five percent (5%~ of his bid wi',h the city clerk, and shail <br />publish a notice of the offer. 'She notice shall ~o,n, tain a general <br />description of the property, the amount and ce'ms oTthe offer and ¢ <br />notice that within,lO dafs any person may raise the bid by ~{'O; les~ <br />than ten percent ,10%} of th'e first one thousand dollars (81,000) <br />?nd, five,pe,,rce, nt ,5%) of the remainder. When a bid is raised, the <br />mcaer snan aeposir with the city clerk five percent t5%) of the <br />increased bid, and the clerk shali readvertise the offer at the iu- <br />?yreased bid..T~}is procedure ~hal! be repeated until no further quali- <br />lng upset picts are receivea, at ,~ hich rime the council may accept <br />the offer and sell the property to the highest bidder. The corn oil <br />may at any ti,m,e reject any :~td all offers. {1971, c. 698 s. 1: 1979, <br />2nd Sess..'c. 1247, s. 25.{ ' <br /> <br />172 <br /> <br /> <br />