· 10 - Legals
<br />
<br /> ;:' NOT~CE OF OFFER TO
<br /> -T, PURCHASE
<br />
<br />~u~ ~¢onded, at 1he D~
<br />
<br />Fr~ F.
<br />
<br />Ca~s Coup,
<br />
<br />NOTICE ~ RET~NS-
<br />~R OF R~L PROPER~
<br />~OM C~ARRUS C~N-
<br />~ TO PRI~ ~NER
<br />
<br />Havin~determl~ed that a
<br />
<br />2.9735 acre tract of real BEGINNING at an iron, a
<br />property In the Co,die corner gl Fa~l I~ Smith's
<br />Creek Reservoir area (the ltrJe; thence S. 3~-29-50
<br />'Smith Property'), is no 758.95 leer to ~'~ ~(~n set In
<br />longer necessary for public an elm stump; {2) S. 2-55-
<br />use, the Cabarrus County 10 E., 336.89 feet to a p.k.
<br />Board gl Commissioners
<br /> nail In the center of the
<br />(the 'Board'), pursuant to right-of-way of North Cmo-
<br />Section 8, Chapter 685 gl lina Highway 73; thence
<br />the 1991 Session Laws of with the center of the right-
<br />Ihs NoMh Carolina GenaraJ [ of*way of North Carolina
<br />Assembly and the Amend- [ Highway 73, S. 82-01-30
<br />ed Compl~int .in that action [ W., 113.41 feet
<br />entitled 'Cabarrus County the center gl the -right-of-
<br />v. Lois W. Smith,' bearing I way, a new comer with Ca-
<br />File No. gl CVS 73 in the st- ba~rus County; 1hence the
<br />rice gl the Clerk gl Superior lolio;,vlng new lines wlih Ca-
<br />CouM of Cabarrus County ba.rrusCounty:
<br />(the 'Condemnation Ac* J 18 E. 364.23 feet to a point;
<br />lion'), may retranster the I (2) N. 21-10-30 E., 339.05
<br />SmMh Property to the prior I teet to a point; (3) N. 00-00.-
<br />owner (the 'Retransfer'}, 15 W; 398,58 teat to an
<br />lot no mined ale consld- ]ton eel In the line gl Everett
<br />eralion, subject to a Judg- Helms; Ihence with the
<br />
<br />merit In /he Condemnation
<br />Action.
<br />The .Smith Prope~7 Is mom
<br />particularly described as
<br />follows:
<br />
<br />Lying and being In No. 3
<br />Township, Cab~-rus Coun-
<br />ty, North Carolina, on the
<br />noMh side of North CaroliI'~
<br />Highway 73, east of the
<br />Iorme! Rankin Road (lor-
<br />meMy Slate Road 1619),
<br />now 6r formerly adjoining
<br />Everett L. Helms (Deed
<br />BOok 258, Page 10), Cha-
<br />rles E. Faggart, William A.
<br />.Faggart and Dorothy C.
<br />Faggart (Deed Book 209,
<br />Page 353), and Lois Walker
<br />Smith (Deed Book 473,
<br />Page 574), .and more pa~'-
<br />licularty described as tgi-
<br />
<br />common line o1 Helms a~d
<br />Faggart, S. 71-03-50 E.,
<br />372.90 feet to the BEGIN-
<br />NING, .conlalning 2.9735
<br />acres, more or less, as
<br />comp~ted.
<br />
<br />Any person has ten (10)
<br />days/rom the date oj{ pub-
<br />tcatio n ~
<br />lhls Notice to object lo the
<br />Relransfer upon such
<br />terr~s. Any person object-
<br />ing to the Retranster shall
<br />deliver such ob]ecllon In
<br />writing to Fra~e F. Bonds,
<br />Clerk to the Boan:l gl Com-
<br />nlsslonere gl Cabarrus
<br />County, Cabarrus Gov-
<br />ernmental Cente~, Con-
<br />cord, North' Carolina
<br />28025, on or be/ore $:00
<br />p.m. on the 10th day sub-
<br />sequent t~; the publication
<br />
<br />o! (his Notice, ot the Re-
<br />lransfer shall be complele¢
<br />Immediately upon the
<br />terms se1 forth herein.
<br />
<br />This the 21st day of'
<br />December', 1992.
<br />Fr,anYJe F. Bor~
<br />Clerk to the Board of
<br />County Commissioners
<br />C~bamJs County, ..
<br />North Carolina
<br />No. 605, Dec. 2g, 19~2
<br />
<br />January 12, 1993 - No bids or comments have been received.
<br />
<br />.)
<br />
<br />
<br />