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NATIONAL ¥OLUNT£ER WEEK IN NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> 1~3 <br /> <br /> THE GOYE~NO~ OF THE STATE OF NORTg CAROLINA <br /> <br />A ?ROCLAMATION <br /> <br /> North Carolina ia truly a "state Of the hearts" where <br />"~eiShbor helping neighbor" is not a catch phrase but a way <br />of llfe. Seventy percent of our state's citizens contribute <br />~heir time and energy to make a difference in their <br />communities and the world. <br /> <br /> Every day, volbnteers across our state are committed $0 <br />improving the lives of our people. ~hebher it's spending <br />time with a nursing home resident, teaching ou~ youngsters to <br />read or prote~t~ng ~he safety'of our citizens as a member of <br />a vo[unteer fire department and rescue squ~d, virtually every <br />area of our lives has been touched by the hand of a <br />volunteer. <br /> <br /> We must work to,ether as partners for progress and <br />utilize our energy to make this a state o£ opportunity for <br />all, Volunteers are one o£ our state,s mos~ valuable <br />resouroes~ and citizen partioipat~on is the key to making our <br />state all it can be. ~£ we are to solve the problems facing <br />our state today, we must Join ~ogether to give a helping hen4 <br />~o ~hose in need. <br /> <br /> ~OW, THEREFORE, ~, JAMES ~. H~NT J~., Oovernor o£ ~he <br />State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim April 18 through <br />April 2~, 199~, as "National Volunteer Week i~ North <br />CaroXi~a,. and urge ~ll our citizens to work together with <br />others to make their lives better. <br /> <br />ZN WITNESS WSEREOF, Z have hereunto set my hand and <br />~.. affixed the Oreab Sea! of the gbate of ~orth Cero~!na at the <br /> . .: Capitol in Raleigh th~s ninth day of February in the year of <br /> :' our Lord ~tneteen hundred and ninety-three, and of the <br /> i'..~edependence of the United States of America the two hundred <br /> ._ and sixteenth. <br /> <br />/Al%A) <br /> <br />03:44 1:14 <br /> <br />PC, 2 <br /> <br /> <br />