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NATIONAL <br />ASSOCIATION <br /> COUNTIES <br /> <br />440 First St. N~, Washington, DC20001 <br /> 202/393-6226 <br /> <br />FROM: <br /> <br />DATE: <br /> <br />RE: <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />County Executives, County Board Chairs, <br />Parish Presidents, Administrators and <br />State Association Executive Directors <br />John Stroger, NACo Presiden~ <br />May 4, 1993 <br /> <br />Voting Credentials - 1993 Annual Conference <br /> <br />It's that time again! <br /> <br /> We are in the midst of preparing for NACo's 58th Annual <br />Conference to be held July 16-20, 1993 in Cook County, (Chicago) <br />Illinois. <br /> <br /> We need your help to insure that your county will be able <br />to participate in the Association's annual election of officers <br />and policy adoption for this year's American County Platform. <br /> <br /> Please tell us on the enclosed form the name of the voting <br />delegate and alternate(.~) authorized to pick up your county's / <br />credentials material. <br /> <br /> Note that the NACo bylaws permit only dues-paying member <br />counties to vote and that a registration fee for the conferenc~ <br />must be paid. <br /> <br /> Also, State Association Executive Directors or Presidents <br />will be entitled to pick up unclaimed credentials as of Monday, <br />July 19, 1:00 p.m. If you do not want the State Association to <br />be allowed to do so, please note such on the form% <br /> <br />Please return the form to NACo by June 18, 1993. <br />Send to: <br /> <br />Credentials Co,,,,,~ittee <br />c/o Membership Coordi~lator <br />National Association of Co, mties <br />440 1st St., <br />Washington, D.C. 20001 <br /> <br /> Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this <br />matter. We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Conference. <br /> <br /> <br />