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CERTIFICATIONS REGARDING LOBBYING; DEBARMENT. SUSPENSION AND OTHER <br /> RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS; AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS <br />Applicants should refer to the regulations cited below to determine the certification to which they are required to attest. Applicants <br />should also review the instructions for ccnificafion included in the regulations before completing this form. Signaiure of <br />this form provides for compliance wilh ccrtificalion rcquiremcms under 34 CFR Part 82~ "New Restrictions on Lobbying," <br />and 34 CFR Part 85. "Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocuremem} and Government.wide Requirements for <br />Drug-Free Workplace (Grants)." The certifications shall be treated as a material representation of fact upon which reliance will be <br />placed when the Department of Energy delermines IO award the covered transaclion, granl, or cooperative agreement. <br /> <br />1. LOBBYING <br /> <br />The undersigned the best of his or her knowledge and <br />belief, that: <br /> <br />(I) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be <br /> paid. by or on behalf of ihc undersigned, to any person for <br /> influencing or atlcmptingto influence an officeror employee <br /> of any agency, a Member of officer orcmployee <br /> of Congress. or an employee of a Mcmber of Congress in <br /> connection with the awarding of any Federal coalesce, the <br /> making of any Federal grant, the making of any Fcderal loan. <br /> the entering imo of any cooperative agreement, and'thc <br /> extension.continuation, renewal, amcndmcm.or modification <br /> of any Federal contract, grant, loan. or coupe[alive agreement. <br /> <br />(2I If any funds olher than Federal appropriated funds have been <br /> paid or will be paid to any person for in11 ucncing or attempting <br /> Io in fl ucnce an officcr or cmployce of any agency, a Member <br /> of Congress. an officer or cmployce of Congress. or an <br /> employee& a Mcmber of Congress in connection with this <br /> Federal contract, grant, loan. or cooperative agreement, the <br /> undersigned shall complcle and submit Standard Form-LLL. <br /> "Disclosure Form to Reporl Lobbying." in accordance with <br /> its instructions. <br /> <br />(31 Th~ undersigned shall require Ihat thc language of this <br /> certificallon be included in Ihe award documenls for all <br /> subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants. <br /> and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agree- <br /> menlSl and Ihs! all subrecipients shall certify and dimlose <br /> accordingly. <br /> <br />This certificallon is a malerial representalion of facl upon which <br />reliance was placed when Ibis Iransaclion was made or cnlcred <br />into. Submission of this cenification is a prerequisile for making <br />nr entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352. lille <br />31. U.S. Code· Any person who fails to file the required certi- <br />ficaiion shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $ I 0,000 <br />and not more than $100.000 for each such failure. <br /> <br />2. DEBARMENT. SUSPENSION, AND OTHER RE- <br /> SPONSIBILITY MATTERS <br /> <br />( I ) The prospective primary, participant cert ifies to the besl of ils <br /> knowledge and belief. Ihat it and ils principals: <br /> <br /> (al Are nol presently debarred, suspended, proposed for <br /> debarmeqt, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded <br /> from covered transactions by any Federal depanmem or <br /> agency: <br /> <br /> {bi Have not within a three-year period preceding this pro- <br /> posal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered <br /> against them for commission of fraud or a criminal <br /> offense in conncclion with obtaining, altempting to ob- <br /> tain. or performing a public (Federal. State or Iocall <br /> Iransaction or conlraCf under 3 public Iransaction: viola- <br /> llon of Federal or Slale anthrusl slatules or commission <br /> of embezzlement, IhcfL fnrgery, bribery., falsifical~on or <br /> <br /> destruction of records, making false slatements, or re- <br /> ceiving stolen property: <br /> <br />(c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or <br /> civilly charged b~' a governmental entity (Federal. State <br /> or local} with commission of any of the offenses <br /> merated in paragraph (II(b) of this certification: and <br /> <br />(d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this <br /> plication/propo~al had one or more public transactions <br /> ~,Federal. State or local) terminaled for cause or default. <br /> <br />Where the prospective prir~ary participant is unable to <br />certify to any of Ihe statements in Ibis certification, such <br />prospecnve panicipam shall attach an explanation to this <br />proposal. <br /> <br />3. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE <br /> <br />This certification is required by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of <br />1988 {Pub. L. 100-690, Title V, Subtille D) and is implemented <br />through additlons to ~he Debarment and Suspension regulations. <br />i~ublished in the Federal Re~istcr on January 31. 1989, and <br />May 25, 1990. <br /> <br />ALTERNATE I <br />(GRANTEES OTltER THAN INDIVIDUALS) <br /> <br />( I ) The grantee certifies that it will or will continue to provide a <br /> drug-free workplace by: <br /> <br /> (al Publishing a slatement notifying employees that the <br /> unlawful manufaclure, distribution, dispensing, posses- <br /> sion. or use of a conlrolled substance is prohibited in <br /> the grantee's workplace and specifying Ihe actions Ihal <br /> will be taken against employees for violation of such <br /> prohibition: <br /> <br /> (b) Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to <br /> inform employces about: <br /> <br /> ( I ) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; <br /> <br /> (2) The grantee's policy of mainlaining a drug-free · workplace: <br /> <br /> {3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and <br /> employee assistance programs: and <br /> <br /> {4) The penallles that may be imposed upon employees. <br /> for drug abuse violations ~ccurring in Ih, workplace: <br /> <br /> (c) Maklng it a requiremem that each employee to be engaged <br /> in ihe performanc, e of the grant be given a copy of the <br /> statement required by paragraph (a): <br /> <br /> (d} Notifying Ihe employee in the statement required by <br /> paragraph (at that. as a condition of employment under <br /> the grant, the employee <br /> <br /> <br />