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AMENDMENT <br />Coddle Creek Reservoir <br />October 22, 1993 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />stages of the dam construction contract. Due to extenuating circumstances' <br />involving complicated property issues that were difficult to resolve, the <br />clearing contract bid date was delayed well past the original target date. <br />The bids were received at a time that required additional contract <br />administration efforts for over four and one-half months past the dam <br />construction contract completion date had the Contractor completed the <br />project within the allotted time. As previously documented, the Contractor <br />is well past all completion deadlines and project completion is not <br />anticipated until November 1, 1993. <br /> <br />Additional construction administration costs related to the delays in the <br />clearing contract will total an additional $89,000 through October 31, <br />1993. <br /> <br />Add the following as details for paragraphs - Monitoring through - Maintenance <br />under SECTION 1 - BASIC SERVICF_3: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Monitoring - In accordance with the 404 permit, the monitoring program <br />will require the specific evaluation through statistically accurate <br />methodology, of the following: <br /> <br />survivorship and growth of bottomland hardwoods and upland <br />conifers~ and hardwoods installed in over 70 mitigation areas by <br />North Carolina State University, Forestry Department (NCSIY) - <br />mitigation planting contractor; <br />recruitment2 in the mitigation areas of native vegetation; <br />baseline and successional3 data for wildlife and vegetation in <br />preservation areas; <br />recruitment of mosquito-eating fishes4 into the reservoir pool; this <br />will include assessment of adult mosquito population data which <br />may be available from the local Mosquito Control District. <br /> <br /> ~.e. pines, cedars, etc. <br /> <br />2 natural movement, through emigration, immigration or reproductive means, of organisms to a new area <br /> <br />3 Changes in plant and animal communities over time <br /> <br />4. <br /> ~.e. GambuMa, Fundulus, Notropi*, etc. <br /> <br /> <br />