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PLAN FOR EXTENDING WATER TO RESIDENTIAL AREAS DEVELOPED <br /> PRIOR TO THE AVAILABILITY OF COUNTY WATER <br /> <br /> February 19, 1992 <br /> <br /> The money to be used for these water line extensions comes <br />from revenues of the Water & Sewer District of Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> This plan is not intended to be used as an aid in the <br />development of new residential subdivisions, new businesses, or <br />commercial or industrial parks or establishments. <br /> <br /> The eleven areas selected by the staff for consideration of <br />water line extensions are either contiguous to the Water and Sewer <br />District or would need to be annexed into the District. These <br />areas have been selected by the staff based on citizen's requests, <br />problems relating to the health and safety of the residents, <br />housing density and system improvements as they relate to the <br />Capital Improvements Program for water lines. <br /> <br /> The cost of water line extensions into these developed <br />residential areas shall be borne primarily by the County through <br />the expenditure of revenue from the Water & Sewer District in an <br />effort to expand the customer base, which will in turn lower the <br />individual debt service portion of all existing water bills by <br />distributing it over more customers. The property owners will be <br />required to participate in cash up-front payments or through an <br />assessment on their property. <br /> <br /> The project cost includes all cost connected with the project. <br />The property owners will be notified by first class mail of their <br />individual cost prior to the public hearing. The total project <br />cost will consist of the cost of the construction of the water <br />lines, fire hydrants, valves, service connections and all other <br />appurtenances, surveying, engineering, inspection, legal and <br />administrative. <br /> <br /> The portion of the project cost to be paid by the property <br />owners will be allocated to the individual owners based on the <br />following criteria: ~ <br /> 1. Since the estimated project cost and front foot c,h~r~e has <br /> been established, the County will guarantee that the front <br /> foot ~~ill not increase. <br /> 2. The cost per front foot to be used for the 1992 water <br /> projects will be $2.00. <br /> <br />3. The front footage shall be determined by using the <br />following rules: <br /> <br />(a). The minimum front footage ~shall be based on <br />i00 feet. <br /> <br /> <br />