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The eon~act should be ex~ut~ a.nd submitted in ~-iplicate to hhe Secret~' of the L~M G~ve~ment Commi~ion, <br /> <br /> Upon approval, ~e ozi~nal ~n~et wi~ be ~e~ to ~e Governmental Unit, a eepy will ~ ~a~ed to ~e Audi[or, <br /> and a ~py zet~n~ by ~e S~ret~ of ~e L~I Cerement Commi~ion. The audi~ should not be start~ the <br /> ~n~aet ~ app~v~. <br /> <br /> Th~ c~ra~ conte~lc~es an ~n~alified o~inion b~ng r~d~ed. Any limltaHon~ o~ re~cff~ in s~e ~hich ~o~Id <br /> lead ~o a qualification ~Id bodily ~lained in an a~achm~ W th~ contract. Con~ac~ with such limitations will <br /> not be approv~ unl~ sa~s~aeto~ ~lana~n ~ made. <br /> <br />13. ]~ an app~v~ eontrae~ n~ ~o be vaH~ et change, ~e change mus~ ~ ~u~ ~ wri~ng, si~ed by be~ <br /> and su~mR~ to the S~re~a~ of ~he Local Government Commi~on for app:ova]. No change shall be eH~tJve unl~ <br /> approv~ by ~e S~reta~ o~ the Local G~vernment C~mmi~i~n, the Governing Board, and the AudR~r. <br /> <br />24. A ~parate ~n~aet should not be made for each ~vBion to be audi~ or r~ozt to ~ submitS. The ~pe of the audR <br /> and the f~ for the audit should be dearly sta~. Storm f~s include any ~st the AudRer ~ay incur from work paper <br /> oz p~r ~ie~ ~r any ~ez qualiW ~surance requirM by third paz~ (federal and State agenei~ o~ other <br /> orga~a~o~). <br />~5. Thr~ ~pi~ (one ~py for uni~ no~ ha~ng a single audR) o~ ~e r~ of audit and any other ~tten report by the Auditor <br /> shall ~ fi~M with the S~eta~ of ~e Local Gove~ment Comm~ion when (or prior to) sub=~tting ~he invoice for the <br /> ~i~ rendered no later than four mon~ after ~e elo~ of ~e F~al year (for fiscal yea~ ending ~une ~0 this would <br /> ~ OeWbez 21). The report of audit, ~ fil~ wi~ ~e S~reta~ ~[ ~e Local Gove~ment Commi~ion, ~m~ a matter <br /> of public r~o~d for i~on and review ~n ~e offi~ of ~e S~reta~' by any inter~t~ par~es. Thee r~orts a~e <br /> in the prepara~on of Official S~atemen~ for debt ~eHn~ ~ well ~ by municipal bond rating ~i~. <br />2~. There are no ~ial provisio~ ~pt: <br /> See Attached Engagement Letter <br /> <br />17. Whenever the Auditor us~ an engagement letter with the cl~ent, Item 16 should be eompletM by refezeneing the engage- <br /> ment letter and attaching a copy of the engagement letter to ~e ~ntraet to in~ora~e the engagement letter into the <br /> contract. In ca~ of conflict bec'eon the te~s of the engagement letter ~d the ~er~ of this ~ntzact, the terms of this <br /> ~n~aet ~ll ~n~l. En~gement letter te~s are d~ to ~ void ~1~ ~e ~nflie~ng te~s of t~s ~n~et are <br /> delet~ in Item ~1 of this ~ntract. <br /> <br /> 18. A Governmental Unit not having a single audit on ~eral and State fun~ would list Item 7 in ~tem ~ of the <br /> ~ being a deleted grey,ion. An e~lanation m~t ~ Wen in Item ~1 {or any G~vemmental Unit not r~eiving a single <br /> audit on {~er~ and Sta~e ~un& (e,g,, a single audit is not requir~ under the F~etal and State Single Audit Ac~ and <br /> is not being pe~orm~). <br /> <br /> ~f th~ aunt engagement is subj~t to ~e standar& ~ audit ~ defin~ in the Government Auditing Standards, issu~ by <br /> the Comptroller General of the United Stat~, ~en the Auditor warran~ by a~pting this engagement that he'she will <br /> m~t the r~uiremenB for an external qu~i~ control ~eview ~ecified in ~e Government Audi~ng S~andards. Copi~ <br /> any written eommuniea~o~ that are a r~ult of ~ ~ternal qu~i~ eon~ol review will be made available to the Secreta~' <br /> of the Local Government Co.minion upon his r~uest. <br /> <br /> ~0. The~e a~e no other a~eemen~ bec, eon the parti~ hereto and no other a~eemen~ relative hereto that shall be enfo~able <br /> unl~s entered into in a~rdance with the proe~ure set out herein and approv~ by ~e S~zeta~' of the Local Govern- <br /> ment Commi~ion. <br /> <br /> ~1. All of the a~ve para~aphs a~e understood and shall apply to this a~eement, ~eept the follow~ng number~ para~aphs <br /> <br /> shall be deleted:($eeltenul7and lg.) <br /> <br />Potter & Company, P.A., Certified Public <br /> Audit fi~ Accountants <br /> <br /> By M. W. Clover, President <br /> <br />Approv~ by the S~reta~ o~ the Local Government <br />Commission ~ provid~ in Article 3, Chapter ISg of the <br />General Sta~t~ or Article 31, P~rt O, Chapter 115C of <br />the General Statute. <br /> <br /> For Ibc Secretary. Local Government Commtsa'ton <br /> <br /> (Signat uze) <br /> <br />~ale <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Cabarrus County <br /> Core.menial U~t <br /> <br />Carolyn Carpenter, Chairpe:son <br /> <br />(Ple~e m. Te ot print name and t';fie} <br /> <br /> (Signature el Ma)or m Chairper~n o! governing boa~d) <br /> <br />This instrument has been preaudlted in the manner re- <br />quired by The Local Government Budget and Fiscal Con- <br />trol Act or by The School Budget and Fiscal Control Act. <br /> <br />Blair Bennett <br /> <br /> <br />