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CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE <br /> <br />Thls cerlilicale is issued as s mailer el inlormalion only and COMers no fighls upon Ih.e cerlilicsle holder. <br />This cefliricela does not amend, exlend or allot Ihe coverage afforded by Iho policy[les) Ilslad below, The <br />Insurer accepls no ~esponsibifily lot any additions or changes made hereon that are nOI on record wilh <br />the Insurer. .. <br /> <br /> Name and Address of Insured: <br /> <br />SOUTIIER~ INTERNATIONAL'FIREgORKS, INC. <br />AND BALLOON TECHNIQUES <br />P.O. Box One <br />Woo~a~oc~, OA. 50188 <br /> <br />This is Io ceMiry thai Ihe poficy[ies) of insurance lisled below have been issued Io I~e insured named <br />above and are in force al lhls time. <br /> <br />TYPE OF INSURANCE: <br />and operalions/locallons <br />covered thereunder <br /> <br />'GENERAL LIABILITY INCLUDING <br />PRODUCTS AND COHPLETKD OPERATIONS <br />LIABILITY INSURANCE PER POLICY FORH <br />CMGL-! (CLAIMS MADE) <br /> <br />NAME OF INSURER: <br /> <br />EVANS~O~ INSURANC£ COMPANY <br /> <br />POLICY NUMBER: <br />POLICY PERIOD.: <br /> <br />MARC~. 21, 1991 TO MARCH 21, 1992 <br /> <br /> LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND OEDUCTIBLE: COMDINED $INCLE LIMIT Bodily Injury and <br /> Property ,Damage Liability <br /> $l,00O,000 e~ch occurrence <br /> <br /> $ 25,000. Deductible each occurrence <br />Should ?e des~r~be,, po~icy0es) ~e cance~red before its (mei,; exp~raion dale. me undersigned wi~ em <br />deavor ~o g~ve __ oayswditen notice to Ihe certificate hotdcr or ~ days w,men notice in the evenl <br />the cance,ation(s) is (a,e) due lo non. paymcnt ol prom;urn and.'or deductible or re~cnt~on. Failure tO give <br />such notice sha~ ~mpose no o~;ga~;on o~ ~iab~ty of cny k;nd upoq me unders;gned or upon the ~nsu~e~. <br /> <br /> Name and Address o~ Certificate Holder: Co-Insured: <br /> ~napolis ~oer of Co~nerce Kannapo~s Cha~er of Co~,erce <br /> P.O. Box 2h9 <br /> 'K~n~polis, ~C .28082 <br />:Attn: P~tty ~go <br /> <br />Show date: <br /> <br />~hY 9 ', 1.q~'% or a!t.da~e <br /> <br />~I,I !02-I0 118.~ <br /> <br /> <br />