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the City's water distribution and sewer collection system <br />previously owned by Kannapolis Water Company for one (1) <br />year from the date hereof, subject to City assuming such <br />maintenance at any time on reasonable notice to Field- <br />crest. Maintenance shall include, without limitation, <br />pipeline and meter repairs, sewer cleaning, meter reading <br />and lift station operations. The cost of such maintenance <br />to Fieldcrest shall be reimbursed to Fieldcrest by the City <br />on a monthly basis promptly after invoicing. Upon request, <br />Fieldcrest shall provide documentation of such costs. <br />Fieldcrest shall furnish to City within a reasonable time <br />after the date hereof a list of names and addresses of <br />customers, monthly customer meter readings and all plans, <br />specifications and manufacturers' parts lists for the water <br />distribution and sewer c~!tection system. <br /> <br /> b. Fieldcrest shall have no responsibility for <br />providing security for any property of the Water Treatment <br />Facility, distribution and piping lines or any reservoir or <br />water source. <br /> <br />8. Extension And Additional Construction Of Water <br /> <br />Treatment Facility. <br /> <br /> a. It is understood and agreed that, except as <br />provided in Paragraphs 2 and 3 above and in this Paragraph 8 <br />and to the extent necessary to satisfy its obligations <br />thereunder, Fieldcrest shall not have any responsibility for <br />the planning, implementation, supervision or cost of any <br />expansion or extension of the Water Treatment Facility above <br />its existing capacity and condition as of the date of this <br />Agreement, including any additional requirements to comply <br />with regulatory statutes and standards. Any such expansion <br />or extension of the Water Treatment Facility shall be the <br />sole responsibility of City, except that Fieldcrest shall <br />operate such expanded cr extended Water Treatment Facility <br />within the requirements of this Agreement. Any increase in <br />the cost of operating the Water Treatment Facility as a <br />result of any such expansion or extension shall not be <br />included in Total Operating Costs and City shall reimburse <br />Fieldcrest promptly upon receipt of an invoice for such <br />costs. <br /> <br /> b. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Fieldcrest's <br />usage of water from the Water Treatment Facility exceeds <br />12.5 million gallons per day for 3 days in any calendar <br />month, Fieldcrest shall within 10 days give City notice of <br />that fact and within 90 days shall either (i) have changed <br />its manufacturing operations to ensure that its usage does <br />not exceed that level in the future or (2) notify City of <br /> <br />-6- <br /> <br /> <br />