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DOA-734 <br /> <br />Home and Community Care Block Gr~nt for OlderAdult~ <br /> <br /> County Funding Plan <br /> <br />Plethodolo~ to Address Service Needs of Low-Income Minority F. JdeHy ' ' <br /> (Older Americans Ac:. Section 30&(a)(S)(A)(ii)) <br /> <br />Community Service Provider Cabarrus County Dept. of Agf. ng <br /> <br />Cour~. Cabarrus July l, 1992 through June 30, 1993 <br /> <br />The Older Americans Act requires that the service pro~der attempt to prcwide ~ervices to Iow <br />income minorfty individuals in at least the same proportJc~ as the popula~on of Iow4ncome <br />minorky indi~duals beam to the popula~on of ~der persons of t~e county ser~d by the prcr~der. <br />The community service pro~der sh~l speci~ how the service needs oflow4ncome minority ~d eriy <br />will be met throulh the semites iden~fied on the Provider Services Summary (DOA-732), This <br />narr~ve sh~l address outreach ~d service delivery method~o~iea that will ensure that this tn:let <br />popull~on is adequately served. Addi~on~ pa&~.s may be used as necessary. <br /> <br /> TRANS?ORTATION: Transportation ~arge~s the m£nor£ty and ~o~ Lncome as <br /> s~aC~sC[cs [nd[cate 65Z of transportation services ts provided to thcs segment <br /> o~ the population. ThCs service provides support to ~he congregate <br /> progr~ by transporting the Lo~ Lncome and mLnortty participants to the <br /> nutrition sites. T~o of the s~tes are located ~n toy income <br /> commun£c£es, and other transportation ~o med~ca~ appointments, hunan servLce <br /> agencies and shopping ~ made available and are g~ven <br /> <br /> :N-HOLV~ $~RVZCES: ~n-~o~e Respite ~lL be provided to the ~arget (Level :~) <br /> po2u~a~ton thac are 60 years of age and/or ~hetr spouse ~ho ~s funccLonalLy <br /> ~npa~red and needs a 26 hour caregtver. The careg~ver re~£e~ u~l~ be provided <br /> to the econom£caily needy and lo~ income m~nortty. Zn the event a <br /> l£st exists, pr~o~cy ~Lll be given co ~he tndtv£duals ~£ch t~e greacesE <br /> economL¢ need and ~ou income m~nortcy uho mee~ the e~tgt~Lt£ty requirements. <br /> <br /> CoNGREGAT~ NUTR~T:ON: The nutrition program targets th~s target population <br /> through the ava~[ab~L±c7 of transportation Co transport the Lov ~ncome <br /> m£no~tty to mea~s~tes. Tuo nutrition sLtes are tocaced ~n ~o. ~ncome minority <br /> commune:Les, one tn Concord and one ~n Kannapo~ts making :he program be:ce: <br /> accessible to this group. Three other nucrLtton s~ces provides transporta~ton <br /> taco various Lou income m~nor~cy areas. ?r~orLt7 ~s g£ven to chis population <br /> ~or the nuclei:on program. <br /> <br /> HOUS~NG/HO~: :~?ROV~NT: The lo. income and m~nor£cy populatLon ut~! be <br /> targeted for ucLlt:ac~on o£ ~hese funds. Th£s progra~ v~lL be managed <br /> the current .eather~zatton program, uhtch ts income e~gLble, and ~tLl provide <br /> access to th~s targeted group. <br /> <br /> UU'~'R~^C~: ~c £s provided through pub[Lc spea~tng by ~La~ tO Loca~ <br /> organt:at£ons, c~ubs, e~c. and provLd~ng Ln~ormat~on on avatLab~e services <br /> to other ~ocaL agencies such as Health Department, Cabarrus ~emortat Hosp~ca~ <br /> home care agencies, the Hetro~[na K£dney C[£n~c and [oca! physicians~ of£~ces. <br /> Out:each ~s a~so provided ~hrough the agency bL-monchiy ne.sleccer that ts <br /> ma:led to over 6,000 sen{or adults. Brochures and pamphlets are avaLLable <br /> and dtstrLbuted for aL~ services during various ~unct~ons and accLv~es. <br /> <br /> <br />