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CURB/~NT LARD <br /> <br />Overall, this plan covers lend area that <br />approximately twenty percent of the County, hut only <br /> <br />~o 5 hou~hol~ p~r 100 acres. T~8 <br /> <br />~nviron~nC of rolling hXlls, pastures and w~ded <br /> <br />for much of this area. It ls the largest section <br />within the planning area that h.s publio utility <br /> <br />employment baas. The addition of s Food Lion grouury <br /> <br />for the land In the County Jurisdiction and dous not <br />way :o overlook its lntluunce In the pa~t and future <br /> <br />TI~o following sectlona will cover sp~ciZic la.d uvo <br />types. They are not intended as a complete li~tlng <br />of all land uses that fall wlthln the categories, but <br />instead as a general doscrlpttou of tho existing <br /> <br />RESID~NTI A~ <br /> <br />The study area ia made up of Tcxenuhips 7 and 8 au <br />well as portions of 9 and 11. of the County'u 98,935 <br />residents, only eight percent (8%) of the population <br />lives within this study area. The population growth <br />has been rather ace&dy in this area with an avurage <br />growth rate o~ 33.1% eve~ ten years. £ven though <br />tho Town o: Mt. Pleasant la considerably mo~u <br />populated than the surrounding study area, Figure 2 <br /> <br />area has an average of ! house per 29.2 acres with <br />Town~hlp 7 being ti~e lo~st dunue ~t 1 house pot bO <br /> <br /> <br />