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Facilities Plan recommends a nm~her of Improvements <br />to schools in the County. £xpansion and additions to <br />echoolu including Hi. Pleasant Elei~ntsry and Hidd[e~ <br /> <br />Sch~l i~ ~o new, it is expected to ;e~ln under <br />capacity throng11 the axed of ~he decade. Due to the <br />age of the M:. Pleasant H~ddle Sch~ (constructed <br />prior :o 1930J, replace~nt and n~ds are <br />add~eeae~ ~n the plan and the~ also include the <br />possibiltt~ oi allowing the old high school ~ be <br /> <br />There are a nmuber of existing public and private <br />parks which are small in size and limited in the type <br />of recreational service provided. In addition to the <br /> <br />churches, Friendship Baptist belng the moat no=able, <br />have park facilities which include ballfields and <br />playgrounds. The Parkn and Recreation Depart~ant has <br /> <br />projected recreational needn. Both a Co.unity <br /> <br />T~I~PORTATION <br /> <br />Thoro are three major thoroughiarea that divide thio <br />area - N.C. Highway 49 and N.C. Highway 73 which both <br />run in a general East-~est di:ectlon and Hi. Pleasant <br />Hmad whicl~ runn perpendicular to these two Highways. <br />At the center of uhern these three =oads cross each <br />other l$ee the Town o~ ~t. p~easant. N.C. 49 ts a <br /> <br /> <br />