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DAiTION'S <br /> <br />I~ODUC2'ION <br /> <br />This ia the most important part o[ the planning <br />this section will help sst policy and guide decisions <br /> <br />for the area. Not only will the Boazd of <br />C~runlaslonera work wltll th~ <br /> <br />similarly, Chis plan establishes, or <br />regulations that will be used to tmple~nt the plan. <br />· he exact roco~endaclona Io11~ aa the final <br /> <br />nxtenaiva stall study of the area, the two public <br />meetings held with residents, and questionnaires and <br />cc~mwnta provid~dby area residents. The discussion <br /> <br />rocom~endations further and also to indicate he. they <br /> <br />A "Future Land Use Map" is also included in this <br />uection. It is a representation of a larger map that <br />will be adopted aa part of this plan. The map will <br />be used as a guide for land uae analyses' and <br />decisions made by the staff, Planning and ~onlng <br /> <br />the co~nunity. While the official nL&p Indicates <br />future land uae by exact parcel boundaries, all <br />analyses of future land uae will use the map In a <br />s~re general ~nanner with actual analyses and <br />decisions being s~de ba~ed on the ~apst the <br /> <br />roquite#ents~ and specific p~opnrty related rectors. <br /> <br />The recom~endations table that follo~a in tho next <br />private citizens. It indicates the specific <br /> <br />recolm~endations, who la ~euponsibla for the act/on <br />and a general time frmao tn which it uhould tdku <br /> <br />plan will be ilupl~aontud, that the ruupouulhle par~y <br />ia ldentifle~, and that yearly ch~cks of <br /> <br />The following discussion will be divided into the <br />poeulbla the dlscuuslon will follow in tile Ualm order <br /> <br />FU~UR]: LAND USE ~,IAP <br /> <br />It will be used In analyzing all land <br /> <br />The area for which future land use ia mappe~ does not <br /> <br />updating their c~uprehenslvo plan. Once thio hue <br />been done~ it cay be neceMsaty to reviuw tho <br /> <br />o~up#tible with ~he ~ec~ndatlonu Of the ~own. <br /> <br /> <br />