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Concern was expressed at the public meetings about <br /> <br />cectalnly b~ one of their tasks to look at ho~ the <br />a£eas may he provided the service, <br /> <br />The final recol~endatton under utilities relates to <br />location gE easements and rights-of-way. Both <br /> <br />about providing room along road s/des tar ail <br /> <br />add:eased in the updated County Subdivision <br />Pe~ulations, but consideration should also he given <br /> <br />for utlltttoeo <br /> <br />A a/de issue to this la the possibility of 1scaring <br /> <br />TR/J/S?ORTATION RECO~M~ENDATIONS <br /> <br />The County does not purchase right-of-way, construct <br />ne~ roads, or maintain existing roads. Moa: of the <br /> <br />actions, and tho purpose of this ~art of the plan ts <br /> <br />HaJor road Improve.ants are scheduled through the <br />P.C, DoparZmont of Tranaportation's TranspOrtation <br />Improve,~nt PrOgram (TIP). The County reco~u~ends <br />projects but ultimately the state decides which ones <br />will be included in the TIP. Aa dtncusssd in the <br /> <br />N.C. 49. The Flanning staff will continue to work <br />with NCDCT to keep these projects on schedule and to <br /> <br />decisions that are mede. In addition~ the ~oning <br />~dwaF design, cost, Or integ~l~2. <br /> <br />The community meetings brought out nome <br />appropriate, wall lxa forwarded to the local NCD~I' <br /> <br />studying tile leas/b/lAcy of connoctin9 ~lkdr lloyd <br />arid St. John's Church ~oad at ~.C. <br /> <br />NCDCY~meintatna a list of unpavud secondary ro~ds <br />approximately 40% of thesn are in this plan <br />These roads are given a numerical racing mid ranked <br />ag thac each year a certain nmubar of them will be <br />paved. Unfortunately the funds available for pavi~{g <br /> <br />explored. These options Include a roratlng gl the <br />ronda (which is tentatively aclladuled lot 1993), <br />partlolpatlon paving with split public-private cout, <br />and private paving o~ the roads. <br /> <br />Prelim/nary studies are being undertaken on the <br />possibility of relocating N.C. 49 in order to improve <br />it end nee~ futura demand. The Planning <br />currently working to dutermine if <br />necessary. If It in not, staff will provide that <br /> <br />QU/~I~ OF LIFE RECO/iMENDATION$ <br /> <br />private citlzenn and groups. Thuy are respa;moa to <br />lessen that relate to everyday life In the area and <br />are only peripherally involved with land use ~n~ land <br />developu~nt. It ie important In reading these <br /> <br />One of the ~ost important things that area realde~lts <br />can do ia to organize a c~nmunlt¥ group or 9roupn. <br />These groups ailo~ residents to respond b~ttur to <br /> <br />residents in an advocacy role and that a~y increase <br />the Feasibility of positive actions in the area. <br /> <br />up, aCed. There will be a regular revt~ gl pJdl, <br />implementation dad a periodic update of all plane. <br />In addition, it ia recouauended that area resldo~ta <br />me~t with thel~ district representative on tl)e <br /> <br /> <br />